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Sivir Build Guide by x3FoRxxLiVexD

Hard side of Sivir

Hard side of Sivir

Updated on November 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author x3FoRxxLiVexD Build Guide By x3FoRxxLiVexD 2,655 Views 0 Comments
2,655 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author x3FoRxxLiVexD Sivir Build Guide By x3FoRxxLiVexD Updated on November 12, 2011
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I prefer this build because it is very good in the offensive and the defensive. By Warmonger's armor and Frozen mallet in connection with the atma's Impel has a very high rate of damage by the blade of the infinite is again reinforced. by 5000 life points Sivir doesn't dies quickly and is in team a very good helper.
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The items are very balanced and fit exactly with the runes.
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By the defensive and attacking tempo runens Sivir has a very good Deal out damage and harm themselves but rather receives less
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Pros / Cons

+ Nice defensiv
+ Much LP
+ Nice demage
+ nice Farming
+ Usefull in team fightes
+ much armor

- very low magic resistance
- not the longest range
- low mana
- must wait long time too have all items
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sorry that my english isnt very good. if you would i can do an german build with more informations and detailes

translated by google translator.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author x3FoRxxLiVexD
x3FoRxxLiVexD Sivir Guide
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Hard side of Sivir

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