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Kayle Build Guide by Agriel

Have fun, have AD Kayle.

Have fun, have AD Kayle.

Updated on September 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Agriel Build Guide By Agriel 1,696 Views 0 Comments
1,696 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Agriel Kayle Build Guide By Agriel Updated on September 10, 2012
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Hello. Agriel here with a guide to Kayle. I am usually a jungler but Kayle is one of the champions I play a solo top. I think that Kayle should be played as a solo champion she can be a very effective AD carry, but i prefer the position of a solo lane. First of all she is a good solo lane because she has a nice mix of physical and magical damage. The most important part for Kayle is to keep the farm on you really need that gold.
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    Greater Glyph of Warding
You are in a solo lane you won't have a support to save you or help you,
it will really come in handy to have some magic resist, especially if their
team has a double AP combo.
    Greater Mark of Desolation
Because we are building Kayle as a AD carry we will need that armor penetration,
there is always a chance of you're lane opponent to stack armor.
    Greater Seal of Resilience
If you are going up against another AD carry like Jayce or Ezreal you will really
need that extra armor protection.
    Greater Quintessence of Alacrity
This is my personal preference because i like to play aggressively and deal a lot
of damage early game.
    Greater Quintessence of Quickness
While it is true that your second skill gives you movement speed but this is just
a little something extra so you can avoid turret shots.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite are top picks in my opinion other good picks might be exhaust and teleport other summoner spells aren't that useful we might wanna think about cleans if the team has a lot of cc but that's it
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Pros / Cons


great splash damage
has slow
ulti is strong
dose AD and AP damage
heal + slow on the W

isn't range all the time
cant escape if slowed
very item dependent
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As Kayle the thing you wanna do is constantly last hit like there is no tomorrow you need a lot of gold to farm enough for a B.F. Sword once you farmed a lot and got the core items you can begin smashing the enemy (note if the opponents get to close and get careless feel free to grab a kill or two). By the way a major note here on farming if a team fight occurs don't be shy to join the fun just remember you are a carry and stay in the back lines that is the thing that all carries do just stay back deal that damage and get ready to use your R when needed
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Kayle is a really strong and underrated champion people rarely play her the only counters I can think off might be someone who can cc her pretty hard pre lvl 6 also champions who out ranger her or are the same range like Kennen or Caitlyn.The champion Kayle dose really good against are Shen and Darius she can exchange quite well whit them and whit that bonus heal can stay in lane much more

I hope you like this Guide it is my first one all feedback is appreciated and do tell how it served you

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Agriel
Agriel Kayle Guide
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Have fun, have AD Kayle.

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