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Corki Build Guide by roflroyce

hipster build

hipster build

Updated on July 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author roflroyce Build Guide By roflroyce 2,458 Views 0 Comments
2,458 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author roflroyce Corki Build Guide By roflroyce Updated on July 20, 2011
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cmon, most champs are sooo mainsteam, go into any game and what do you see? Ashe, shen, annie, warwick and a soraka. Need a break from the mainstream? Play Corki with this build and you are sure to be unique.
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these are the best runes ever, revival quints, mana per lvl marks, evasion seals, and armor glyphs. this awesome rune page will dominate most everthing.
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always focus on getting revive and rally masteries. A 21/9/0 will alwasy give you the extra push to do stuff good.
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Now time for the Items... these are the best items in the game, with a boots of mobility, you can run around the map at the speed of sound. With the cloak and dagger, you gain much needed attack speed and crit chance but more important is the tenacity. After getting the cloack and dagger, rush a executioners calling as it is an awesome item for lifesteal and a passive ignite damage and an active reduce healing which is awesome against other lifestealers. A hexdrinker is the next important item as it gives the needed magic resist and attck damage with an awesome passive that will save your life in a pinch. To top it off, sword of the divine for awesome attack speed and an undodgeable attck and also, extra 100 damage is cool too. Finally, finish off the build with a quicksilver sash for good magic resist and an awesome active to pracically cleanse any debuffs. this makes corki the ultimate rapesaurus rex in a team fight, with good tenacity and magic resist and godly attack speed, prepare to win every game ever.
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Summoner Spells

rally and revive....simply the best
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In conclusion, HIPSTER CORKI FTW
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League of Legends Build Guide Author roflroyce
roflroyce Corki Guide
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hipster build

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