Something you should know
Ok I want to tell you the main focus on this build, if your stuck in bronze/silver hell, even gold this is probably one of the best ways to get out fast and easy. The main concept is you really want to focus on just letting your adc farm in lane because if you fall off early there's really no chance at coming back. Always rush hextech protobelt, that item is your friend! Don't be afraid to take kills, you scale really good with them purchase the items in order that I have put, also if you are short like 100g off an item just sell the spell thief, (ex. like a large rod). You always want to try and gank mid if you can, once you get your proto belt you will be doing some pretty nice damage. I find this build most useful against squishy mid laners that can delete your team. It's your job to hide in brushes, use your sweeping lens to ensure no one can see you and try to get some hooks on their adc or squishies, most likely you will just need to hook and ult them and they will be dead, with such a low cooldown on your ult you can keep trying to pick people off, don't be afraid to try and flash hook someone, always predict an enemy. So if your stuck in bronze/silver or even gold don't be afraid to try this build, I have had major success with it overall, the only con is if you have a very aggressive adc that just wants to fight matter what you will have a hard time, you want to wait till you atleast get a hextech revolver, don't be afraid to hook them to get off some spell thief gold as long as you think you can out trade them, but don't be to cocky, since you are mid-late game with this particular build you will need to wait until you get your proto belt done. When you get your revolver done you want to start looking to helping your mid laner get ahead, even telling your jungler to 3 man gang will be very handy as long as you land your hook. Good luck summoners!
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