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Tristana Build Guide by django91

How I run Tristana

How I run Tristana

Updated on November 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author django91 Build Guide By django91 2,416 Views 0 Comments
2,416 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author django91 Tristana Build Guide By django91 Updated on November 21, 2011
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Ok before i start, I would like to say, this is my first guide. This build has worked for me for a while. This a mainly for AD carry. I still don't know all the terms, and I would really like comments. I want to know what people think, so I can change my style. Constructive Criticism. I don't know masteries or runes so help out with that too. Anyways here I go.
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Runes and Masteries

Like i said before. I don't really know about masteries and runes, so you'll probably be like wtf......
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I pick doran's blade like anyone at first.

Then there is the boots of swiftness. Tristana is very slow, so my friend recommended the boots of swifteness rather than the berserker graves because she would get to places faster. She would also be able to outrun ultimates like Fiddlesticks if he didn't stun you first.

Next I go wriggle's latern. This item is for a little faster farming. It boosts attack damage and has a hint of life steal. I use it to heal a little as I farm because I haven't really had supports on my team.

Maybe you can fit a BF sword in here. Because Tristana has a good base attack, you could boost it a little more and combine it with her range.

After that, I get the sword of the divine because we all know that if one boosts Tristana's attack speed, then you are gonna get a beast person.

After, I would get the Guinsoo's Rageblade. Just for more attack damage and life steal

After this point, i would start selling stuff to build more on attack damage and attack speed like the Black Cleaver. But i didn't list it
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Skill Sequence

I would focus more on explosive shot in the beginning in order to farm off of minions.

I also have rocket jump in the beginning because it would be a handy escape since Tristana is squishy in the beginning.

I would start to build on the rapid fire later in the game when I have the sword of divine in order to max out attack speed really fast.
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Summoner Spells

I started to use surge and rocket jump to get in, hit them fast, and hit them hard.
I also used heal because I haven't really had support healers.
Heal and flash are interchangable to me because both are for escape.

What else should I consider?
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This is more of a please help me than a guide for other people. Comment and i will change this guide according to comments. Thanks for even reading this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author django91
django91 Tristana Guide
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How I run Tristana

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