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How to NOT get Tilted in LoL
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According to Blogoflegends, βTiltβ is originally a term from poker, defined as βa state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in the player becoming over-aggressive.β In League of Legends, that definition is word-for-word accurate for every player that queues up for game after game and racking up losses.
Do you ever feel that warm and stressful feeling in your body, you check your teammates lane and you see Kayn going 1/14, you REALLYwant to tell that guy how bad he is at LoL! How he/she threw the game and made YOU lose.
As the quote from above "player that queues up for game after game and racking up losses." We can clearly see the WHY it is important to not Tilt
In this picture of my LoL account, you can see the affect of being Tilted
Do you ever feel that warm and stressful feeling in your body, you check your teammates lane and you see Kayn going 1/14, you REALLYwant to tell that guy how bad he is at LoL! How he/she threw the game and made YOU lose.
As the quote from above "player that queues up for game after game and racking up losses." We can clearly see the WHY it is important to not Tilt
In this picture of my LoL account, you can see the affect of being Tilted
What do I do when Tilted?
Whenever you are tilted, please take a quick Break from League of Legends, It doesn't have to be longer than 5-10 minutes. I and everyone here on MobaFire understand the urge to just play another game, but the odds are you will lose because of your Tilt
Easy and quick steps to Un-Tilt
[1] Go outside
[2] Take a break
[3] Play another game, such as Minecraft so you can change your mindset
[4] Play a game of TFT where if you win or lose doesn't matter as much (sorry TFT mains)
[*] Watch a Movie or Youtube :D
Easy and quick steps to Un-Tilt
[1] Go outside
[2] Take a break
[3] Play another game, such as Minecraft so you can change your mindset
[4] Play a game of TFT where if you win or lose doesn't matter as much (sorry TFT mains)
[*] Watch a Movie or Youtube :D
League of Legends biggest flaw
Over the years I have been playing League of Legends I have noticed the most reasons I and my friends lose games is because of the Toxic behaviour, I truly do understand if your teammate makes it hard for you to win, but is a win really that important?
League of Legends is a game where you are supposed to have fun, not a game that is supposed to give you stress and anxiety.
Whenever someone on your team or even enemies flame you, please swallow the urge to flame back and say something nice!
Taking insults as jokes and banter (the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.) Often defuses the tension of the game.
And if everything else fails, please make use of the Mute button! It is really usefull, works everytime no fail!
League of Legends is a game where you are supposed to have fun, not a game that is supposed to give you stress and anxiety.
Whenever someone on your team or even enemies flame you, please swallow the urge to flame back and say something nice!
Hey Side! ur bronze!1
Really? :D thank you so much!
Taking insults as jokes and banter (the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.) Often defuses the tension of the game.
And if everything else fails, please make use of the Mute button! It is really usefull, works everytime no fail!
About me
My name is Side, I used to play League of Legends back in 2013 - 2015, unfortunately my PC broke, but now I manage to play it again!
I'm a very bad League of Legends player, but as long as I find it fun I will stay,
I used to main Renekton and Darius, but nowdays I find the most fun in Mord, Fiora and Urgot!
Unfortunately, I myself used to be incredibly Toxic, getting banned/chat muted often. Thanks to the help of friends and foes I have managed to completely turned that around!
I'm a very bad League of Legends player, but as long as I find it fun I will stay,
I used to main Renekton and Darius, but nowdays I find the most fun in Mord, Fiora and Urgot!
Unfortunately, I myself used to be incredibly Toxic, getting banned/chat muted often. Thanks to the help of friends and foes I have managed to completely turned that around!
Update Log
Currently It's 2020-09-11, Released today
I'm always open for Tips, If you find anything wrong or annoying with this Guide, Please do let me know either in PM or down in the Comments!
Aight, I'm going back to Top-lane! Cya
I'm always open for Tips, If you find anything wrong or annoying with this Guide, Please do let me know either in PM or down in the Comments!
Aight, I'm going back to Top-lane! Cya
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