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Other How to Play in The League:A Guide for the Competitive Player

Other How to Play in The League:A Guide for the Competitive Player

Updated on April 20, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sijoni Build Guide By Sijoni 6,452 Views 1 Comments
6,452 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sijoni Build Guide By Sijoni Updated on April 20, 2015
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5/8/14: Went to make another section about leading in the League, as well as looking over and editing the other sections.

5/17/14: Re-Uploaded the guide and archived the old version due to publishing it too soon before I actually put anything on it. With the guide closer to completion, I think it is in a better state for others to read and learn from now. Of course there is always more I can put on, which is why I am planning to update it often with new content, teachings, and tips.

6/1/2014: Made some final adjustments to the guide before finally publishing it. Finished up the guide for the role of the tank and the leader. Planning on making a chapter for the role of the APC or the ADC, depending on which one I feel I can give more insight into the most at the current time.

7/8/2014: Started the chapter on how to play the ADC, as I finally got better at the role myself through some normal games. Going to add more to it later as I try to find ways to improve my own game, then use my experience to create the rest of the chapter.

4/20/15: Hey guys, It has been a LONG time since I even looked at this guide, let alone updated it. Haven't been able to update this due to work and the fact that I am not playing Lol as much as I used to, but I hope to get back in both playing the game and working on this guide. Right now I am just finishing my part on being a good ADC and some typos in the other sections. Not really sure what to write on next, so any suggestions on what you guys want to know more about would be great!
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Prelude and Warnings

To tell you all right now, this guide isn't made to be complete. NO, I am not being lazy or just ignoring this guide, but I know that the game continuously changes along with the meta. I will always try to edit and revise this guide, so that it will always be updated and good for the current season of the League. So when I mean this guide will never be complete, I mean that it will never be finished until League of Legends gets it last and final patch update or Riot Games stops supporting the game for some reason (probably never), so until then, I will never stop updating this guide.

Note: This Guide is going to be added to from time to time, hopefully maybe weekly. If you want to know more about a subject of the game or think that there is something missing, tell me in the comments. I will try to put everything that there is to know about the league here in this guide, but I may forget or miss some things that you need or want to know.
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An Introduction to how to win games and enjoy them: Sjioni/Xboi96

Hello, and welcome to this guide. So you want to win more games and become the best, right? Or do you simply want to get at a higher level but not be too serious about the game? Well,
this guide is here to help you as a League player how to not only get better, but to learn from yourself and others as well as having fun playing the game. I made this so that I could try to help others in the game, as in many normal and ranked games I see so many people do one of the following:

- Feed and blame other teammates
- curse and bully others for doing badly or just because they don't like them
- complain about roles and lanes they get
- being toxic to both the ally and enemy team
-raging at other teammates or enemies
- AFKing for pizza
- Starting objectives or team fights without the team and failing at it, then complaining the team wasn't with them
- complain about kill-steals in inappropriate times
- unable to accept their own mistakes or work with the rest of the team

With problems like these, it's easy to fall into the Lol player stereotype of a raging gamer who thinks everyone else in the game sucks. However, I hope that after reading this or least the parts you think will help you the most, I can make more players become better not only at the game, but at working and communicating with their teammates as well.
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Chapter 1: Responsibilities of the Lane

In you lane, you usually want to beat the other side and not let them pass your turret or kill you. However, what most people do not do in lower elo's (or ranks, with the new ranking system) is try to deny the other side creep kills, or cs. This is important, as they will get both more gold and more experience, allowing them to kill you and your team even if you did not die once to them.
List of farm-heavy champs (some example)
-Master Yi
-Any AD carry
So solve this, try to zone them. Zoning is to get the other player far away from the creeps in order to deny them experience and gold, leaving them at a a disadvantage. By doing this, you will have more gold and levels on them if done right. However, zoning also requires you to constantly put them out of lane or the part of the lane with minions in it, making you having to keep an eye on them and the bushes (except mid most of the time) so that they don' get to close. Remember to ward your lane if doing this, as the enemy may ask for a gank to stop you from denying them creeps. Also, don't forget to get your own last hits when doing this, so you can get even more gold and experience for a better lead against your opponent. Another subject on this is when to stay in the lane or leave. It it obvious that you leave to get items or heal, but when to do these things can be hard for people, as timing these ports back to the fountain can be tricky or sometimes wasted. If the enemy team has higher health than you and is pushing to your tower, just try to kill off the creeps for last hits and stay far out of range of the enemy players to harass you any further. Remember that those with flash and gap closers have a farther range to harass you and kill you, as well as those with farther attack range. So leave when you are low on health and being pushed way too much, as getting more items and restoring you health and mana will help you against them. However, in bot lane, try to keep at least one person in the lane, as the two opponents will have almost no trouble taking the tower if it is left completely undefended. But once again, in an extreme situation where both of you just can't win, don't stay and feed them further by staying and just leave immediately. The more time you waste, the less time you have getting stronger.
Here are some examples of champions that can do this easily, although many more champs have good far-range skills:
    -Caitlyn (other ranged carries can harass you, but caitlyn has far ranged skills and a good attack range farther than most other champions at early levels)
    -Brand/Xerath/Leblanc (mages in general, but these have an easier time with it and should be more wary against)
    -Blitzcrank/ Thresh (can pull you in for the kill)
    -Amumu/Malphite (will dive you can overpower you with constant dmg/crowd control/stuns)
As a warning, do not try to zone them out unless your champion is a great harasser themselves, as they will just hit you and leave you vulnerable to a gank and you will just die, making you lose exp and gold as they continue taking farm.

Another note on staying in the lane is if in a solo lane, you can do two things if you really wanna port back for items:
    -Asking the jungler to cover your lane: If you are low and need to go back, but can not leave your lane undefended, try to ask if the jungler can come in and cover you lance for a minute or two. This will not only let you get some hp back, but the jungler can get some free exp and maybe some last hits when you are not there. If they are under-leveled, this will help the jungler recover from a bad start. However, this will reveal where the jungler is, allowing the enemy to counter-jungler them when they are not in their jungle or for a safe gank on another lane, since they know the jungler won't be able to get there in time to be of any help. Do not constantly do this, but only if you are simply need a breather once or twice during the laning phase.
    -Kill the lane opponent: This is much more of an extreme approach, as killing them is riskier and harder to do. But if you can do this, you can go back knowing they are not leveling up while you are not there. This is not advisable, and most of the time you should just try to force them to port out instead and push the lanes right afterwards, killing your creeps using their turret before they come back to deny them the creep gold from them.
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Chapter 2: Your Team and Purchasing Wards

In many games, the only one that attempts to get wards is the support, and most of the time if they don't, we have a map completely surrounded in darkness, where opponents may be hiding to gank us or take baron silently. However, if you really want to have wards placed around the map, it can't just be the support buying the wards, Everyone on the team should be buying wards, too. This doesn't just apply to the laning phase, during mid and late game your team should be contributing at least 1 or 2 wards every 5 minutes or so. That way, much more parts of the map will be covered, allowing you to make better decisions of where to go and make better plays against the enemy team. Wards help so much during the game that no team should leave them out of their purchases.
Here is a list of what wards do in the game (enjoy?)

-warn against ganks during laning phase
-allows you to defend mosnters like blue/red buff, baron, and dragon
- teleport ganks (only for those who have teleport obviously)
- cover bushes to protect yourselves against campers and ganks
-using the purple ward against stealth champions
-using purple wards to take out enemy wards from helping them have cover
- to watch where the enemy team is going (stalker mode)

By using wards these ways, you can literally keep track of what your opponents are doing, warn your allies in case they may walk into an enemy ambush, or just check on baron and bushes constantly. Remember, keep buying them throughout the game, they will always help.

Note: Be careful of pink wards or enemy champions that have gotten a red scanner trinket. These will greatly hinder your ability to gain sight of the map. Pink wards are countered by pink wards easily or even getting a red scanner trinket, but with the current mechanics of the consumable, you can't simply stop a person with oracles by killing them, so this will be much harder to stop from keeping your wards safe, as well as stealth champions on your side. To stop an oracle user, you can try to camp them if possible and kill them, making sure that they have no room to roam and eliminate the wards you have. You could even the battlefield by taking out their wards with your own oracles, but you must be wary that the enemy team will have a defense for this, since they were the ones starting the oracles roamer. So just be careful, and assume that if they kill your wards, that area on the map is dangerous since you have no more vision of it and they can take you out.
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Chapter 3: The Role of the Assassin

Whether it be the mid lane, jungler, or the top lanes, one role in the League is the assassin. Now while everyone SHOULD be focusing the carry on their team, sometimes their tank is in the way, there are too many stuns blocking your way, or the carry is just too far away and is using ranged attack and spells to beat your team. The role of the assassin is obviously to go in and kill the carry, then the other high-priority targets. However, while it is a simple job, assassins have to have certain abilities to be very good ones. Although your champion doesn't need them to kill the carry, in a team fight these would help a lot.


This is possibly the most helpful if you are focusing on being a hidden killer. As what the name states, having this will allow your champion to go in without being seen. That way, you can kill them without them fighting back that much. This ability is mostly limited to only assassin champions, except maybe Teemo, who has a stealth move that can only be used if he stands still for a few seconds, which doesn't help in surprise attacks except if you are camping or your team leads the carry towards your spot. However, the purple sight wards and an oracle will detect you, and make you lose this advantage. Other things that can reveal stealthed champs are:

-Twisted Fate's Ultimate
-getting hit by Lee Sin's q (sonic wave) or his e (tempest)
-Hex-tech sweeper's active ability
-purple vision ward (just a reminder)
-Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap
-Caitlyn's ultimate (only if they stealth after being targeted)
-Lulu's Help pix move
-Nocturne's Q (duskbringer) will not reveal, but they should be leaving a trail of the dust behind them)
-Rengar's Ultimate (only the Rengar using it can see them during this)
-Nidalee's Bushwack traps
So while stealth is amazingly useful, it has many counters to them, and should be used only to get into a fight, get out of the fight, or to juke the enemy when being chased.


Ghost Flash
Although Stealth is an ability limited to a few champs, mobility is not, and is one a most important skills needed to play a good assassin. Having a fast speed or instant flash helps you get right up to your target and finish them instantly. This is vital, for if you can't get in range of killing the target, you will be dead like your team. Techincally, having flash or ghost gives the champ mobility, but since everyone can take it, the carry will most likely have one as well. So champs with blinks like shaco or kha zix are very good at moving with instant bursts of speed across the area of the team fight.

High or Burst Damage

What is possibly the most important skill of an assassin, besides mobility, is to be able to take out targets quickly. Leblanc is a perfect example of this, as she can deal tons of damage in an instant. This is very important, as once you are attacking the enemy carry, everyone else around them will begin to attack you and try to stop you, so being able to kill fast is a very good asset to do this. IF you kill the enemy fast enough, you are more likely to come out alive and safe due to wasting less time attacking and more time moving around the map.

When to go in

After picking your assassin champion to fight on the Fields of Justice, the most important thing is to know when to go into the fight. This is usually the mistake people make when they are the assassin or anti-carry champ, as they usually go in once their tank initiates the fight. While the tank did just get the attention, this is much too soon, as the enemy team still have all of their crowd control ready to use, and by going in right after they will focus you with them, making you unable to move and do your job. You should wait once their big stuns go off, like after their Amumu or Zyra activates their ultimates. That way, you can go in without much trouble and kill their carry, allowing your team to win the game. Another thing you should consider is your position on the map. If you are too close once the fight starts, they will take you down easily as you are in range of their spells to disable and slay you. However, if you are too far, you will end up doing nothing, making your team lose the team fight and just be going in after your team is dead (dying soon afterwards most likely). You are not the clean up-crew after the fight; you are the one that going in the middle of one once the enemy team is already focused on a target, giving you at least a few seconds to complete your mission.
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Chapter 4: The Role of the Leader

This chapter is more of an ideal rather than something set like stone, but it does help to
have a solid ideal of what the leader of your team is. Whether it be someone who is carrying your team or the one that is actually telling the others what to do, the leader is a role that isn't set by any role. However, I believe that it is important to have some form of captain that is able to command the team and get them all to work and fight as one, as a unified team is better than a disorganized one. In ranked, this is extremely important, as most games in the lower elo's are won because the other team can't stick together, one person goes Rambo and accomplishes nothing, or nobody on the enemy team can seem to actually start a team fight or even group up for an objective. By having a leader, your chances of winning will definitely be increased, but remember that the rest of the team actually has to listen and follow him/her/it for the leader to be effective.

Picking a leader

The first thing that you need to do is select either yourself or another teammate as the leader, who will be one making the calls when to do things. Remember, don't just pick yourself because you think you will be the best option out of everyone else. Try to see how everyone else is playing, as well as their chat, and decide one one person. You can try to do this by typing in for everyone to follow the one you think should be the leader and if everyone agrees, it should work out well and your chances of winning will greatly increase.
However, about people that don't want to have or follow a leader, try to convince them that it will in their best interest to follow the rest of the team, and if at the end if you can't make him follow the rest in the end. You have two options:
1. Ignore the one ignoring the rest of the team: This way you are stuck in a 4v5, but it's generally better than doing nothing at least. Sadly this option is probably going to make you lose if the other team is more competent than you, even if you are ahead, unless you are ahead by like 20 kills.

2. Follow the deserter: Now this sounds incredibly weird, foolish, and dumb, but in League you need to have all of your team at all times. So by making him the "leader", you can simply just tail him and thus have him lead you. If he tries to do objectives alone, just tail him and you will have a likelier chance of winning than if that player went alone with you and the rest of the team going another way. Of course don't do this if that player is just walking aimlessly or not going to try and be a benefit to the team.

The Cautionary tale of a bad leader

While having a leader will be very beneficial to a team, there are sometimes in which you need to abandon your so called "leader". Here are the following traits of a bad leader:
1. The leader tries to start team fights all the time. This is foolish and eventually the enemy team will adapt to this and start using it to their advantage when your team starts with a poor initiation. Unless the enemy team really can not fight you at all, fighting them all the time is not a good plan.
2. They forces everyone to group up all the time. Yes, staying together as a team is very important, but there are lots of times in the game where splitting up and taking more than one point on the map can really help out. Of course being a distorted team is bad, but a good leader knows when dividing your forces to divide and conquer is a good idea. Being grouped all the time will also force your team in tough situations if you are behind if one of the enemy champions split pushes when thy see all of you far away from your base. So sometimes being able to swarm the field rather than be stuck all in one place is a better idea.
3. They always think that they are right all of the time. They may the leader, but that doesn't mean you should always go through with what they want to do. If you see a mistake your leader is making, inform him/her of it and try to correct him/her before you start losing because of it. If he/she is being ignorant and still tries to get everyone to do this incorrect idea, then you should try to convince the rest of the team, and if it works then the leader should see by majority voting that he/she made a mistake in that idea. Remember to not try to curse at them, and always try to sound like a reasonable person other than a player yelling noob and wtf at people you think are wrong.

So in general these are the aspects of what a leader is, as well as what a good or bad leader looks like. Remember that a leader isn't always needed, but it does help if there is no sense of direction or teamwork in your team.
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Chapter 5: The Role of the Tank

Well, this one should be pretty simple, right? You walk in, stun, and make the enemies waste their attacks and spells on you while your team is safe from harm, right? Well, to be honest in my opinion, I think the majority of what a tank is supposed to do is that simple. However, this can be taken the wrong way, as players that don't know how to play a tank properly will make many mistakes in even just starting a team fight correctly. This chapter is for telling players how to make the right plays as a tank, as well as what a tank is and what their role is.

What is a Tank?
A tank, in League of Legends, is a champion on your team that has stuns, crowd control to disable the enemy team. They also have a lot of defense like HP, armor, and magic resistance to take a lot of damage from the enemy team while still staying alive long enough to distract them. Some tanks also have enough damage to be a killer threat to the enemy team, as they will still try to kill the tank if he/she/ it is killing their MVP's. All of this is general data of what a tank is in the League, and is a pretty simple concept to grasp for most players. But the tank actually has a lot more planning than what most people think.

The Different Kinds of Tanks
Although a tank technically can only do one thing, one aspect of the tank that most don't realize is that different tank champions are better for different situations. This is pretty obvious, as champions like malphite and rammus are great against champions that do AD damage and need auto attacks, while a champion like Galio is great against a team that relies on lots of magic damage to defeat their opponents. There are also lots of different types of crowd control each tank has, although many share an aoe stun, but with different dmg numbers and stun times.

- The Disabler
The disabler is a tank that usually has the most stuns and slows of any other tank. They are the ones that can change team fights in an instant with their ability to lock down opponents long enough for their allies to crush them with little to no danger to themselves. with their ability to take lots of damage without much harm to themselves, they are great at sticking on to opponents to stun-lock them. However, the Disabler is also the type of tank that does the least amount of damage, thus it is not a good idea to rely on them to finish off opponents or contribute a good amount of damage.

- The Bruiser
Although bruisers to most are not tanks, some bruisers do give their team some good peeling with stuns and slows, being able to contribute like a tank to their team. Bruisers do the most damage out of the tank category while still being tanky enough to survive most damage outputs. However, they should not be the ones starting the team fight if you have another tank that is a Disabler, but can start the fight if you have no other options or the enemy team made a crucial mistake in positioning. Jarvan is an example of a bruiser tank, as he has an aoe slow, an aoe knock-up, and a unique kind of disable that makes a barrier around the area he ults on to a single person, which can also catch anyone else in the area. Jarvan also still does a lot of damage for a tank, and can reduce the armor of his enemies so that he and his AD damage allies can inflict more damage onto the enemy team. Volibear is a great peeler, with a flip, a slow, and lots of aoe and single target damage to take enemies out with relative ease. Bruisers don't need lots of crowd control to be great in this role, as Shyvana is a tank-like character that not only is hard to kill, but has a lot of damage to take out important targets, along with her one giant aoe knock-back ult.

- The Defender
The Defender, like the Disabler, has the job of stunning the opponents long enough to stop them from doing anything. However, the Defender also has the task of peeling for their MVP's and squishier allies. They do this either by healing them, giving them buffs, or stunning whoever is trying to kill them long enough to make them not a threat anymore, with many defenders able to jump at a fast speed to their allies. These kind of tanks can also be used like Disablers, but are also useful in keeping whoever is fed on their team safe. For example, Leona is a great disabler with her high amount of crowd control, but can also jump back to her ADC or mid laner to protect them from an assassin on the enemy team. Being able to be mobile is a good trait of the Defender, but they must also know when they need to peel for their ally or when to keep up as the front line, for if they leave to try and defend one ally, they may lose even more if they are not at the front of the team fight to output damage and crowd control there. Thresh, although it seems to be an unusual choice as a defender tank, is great at saving teammates with not only his slows and disables, but his unique lantern that any ally can click to move to his position, where it will probably safer as well as get a shield from the lantern. He can also make an aoe slow area that not only damages the enemy team, but makes an area where they don't want to go which gives your team more control over the fight.

As any of these types of tanks, it is important to know when to initiate the fight, and where to start them. This depends on what kind of team you have, what kind of team the enemy is, and what the situation is.
The first thing to note is that generally in any situation, being able to stun as many of them as possible before the opposing team has a chance to react is a good situation, but remember that whenever starting any fight, you must always have your team right behind you. Starting a fight without anyone on your side to come in after that will make your giant stuns and slows completely useless.

-AOE teams: If you are an AOE team, you want to be able to fight in tight areas like in the jungle or between walls, so that way your opponents won't be able to escape the aoe damage your team is doing by running or blinking away without taking a majority of the damage. Some of the may go over a nearby wall, but by doing this they split their own team up, which allow you to kill the remaining champions easier. By the same token, to avoid fighting AOE teams in small areas, you should ward up the jungle and avoid grouping there unless the benefits outweigh the cons like if you are picking off one stray enemy.

- Single-Target teams:
Before getting into the strategy for and against a single-target team, I want to give it some sort of definition. A single-target team would be a team that can lock down one person instantly and be able to kill them just as fast. They like to be able to pick off people not by poking, but by rushing towards them as a team or getting them out of position and proceeding to kill them easily without much damage inflicted to them. They don't have to comprise of assassins, as single-target ADC's and AP mid laners, as well as tanks that can initiate fast like malphite, thresh, and leona, but they do help do this strategy well, although they would make the team squishier in the process.

As a single-target team, you want to be able to nuke one person down as fast as possible, then be able to proceed to the rest of the team with relative ease. This way you'll make the fight easier after the initiation due to them losing one person so fast and thus fighting a 4v5 at that point. When fighting against a single-target team, you want to stay close and avoid getting caught like a grab from thresh or blitzcrank, or being aoe'ed stunned. Be careful when initiating against them, as if you don't have a giant stun to get them all at once, the rest of them will nuke you or one of your teammates down, so make sure the initiation will be beneficial without much loss before going in.

Tanks are always very important no matter what team you make, but picking the right kind of tank will help your team tenfold by being able to synergize with it and make the team's cohesive combos work together. Tanks will also help counter the enemy team if you need to do that as well. So try and remember these aspects when playing as the tank in your game or helping someone else out picking a tank for themselves.
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Chapter 6: The Role of the ADC

What is an ADC?
An ADC is a champion that is ranged and damages the enemy team using their ranged auto-attacks and generally buys attack damage and attack speed to deal their damage,, as they are known as attack damage carries. Their skills, while useful in fighting and other actions, are less significant to the ADC, as being able to learn how to kite with auto-attacks well is a better skill to have than being able to use the abilities of the champion. I'm not saying the abilities and passives of the ADC champions are useless, but being able to know how to coordinate your auto-attacks well will benefit you more than with any other type of champion in the game. As these champions can rely on simply right-clicking on a champion to defeat them, they are the main source of damage for the team that they are on, and thus are possibly the most valuable asset of your team as the game goes on into mid or late game. This chapter will tell you how to play an ADC, where to be in the fight, and how to overcome difficulties the role generally has.
Laning as an ADC
Before getting into team fighting as an ADC, knowing how to lane as one is one of the most important factors as the ADC of your team.
-The first thing you need to know is that you ALWAYS NEED TO FARM MINIONS. This is the most important part of the lane, as in the early game you are possibly the weakest champion on your team, hence why it is the only champion in the game that needs another champion to personally protect them for the early game. By farming consistently, you can buy your items faster and thus become a bigger threat earlier in the game, which is always great if you want to win before your enemy has a chance. Learning how to last hit is a crucial skill as an ADC, so if you don't know how to do it you need to practice a lot on it. Concentrating on farming also allows you to get back into the game if for example you got ganked and the other bot lane got kills doing so. Sure they may have kills, but even if you die to them a lot if their ADC doesn't know how to farm the minions, then you will probably be at the same power level as them, if not higher by concentrating on minion farm.

- Staying safe in your lane is the next step in becoming a better ADC. Since most of the time your early game is terrible against any other champion, you need to know how to not die in your lane. Checking the map constantly for incoming jungler ganks and getting your support to ward bushes so you don't' face-check them and die for doing so will improve your game greatly. There is not much to say about staying safe in your lane, as most of it is just to not die, don't play too risky, don't overextend or push too far unless you have a plan, and don't stay at you lane with low hp if you can't recover it. However, remember that you need to always keep a safe distance away from the other bot lane enemies. This may sounds obvious, but sometimes as an ADC you can forget that you are ranged if you are new to the role, and thus you take free damage by the enemy team. So just remember that you need to be able to always pay attention to what is around and in your lane.
-Note: Picking what ADC you need to be is important in some ways, but in reality they generally function the same. At this current time, I believe that picking the right ADC really depends on what lane match up you are against and what their team comp is like. For example, Vayne is good against tanky teams, Graves is good against squishier teams that need for you to kill them fast before they set off their combo, and Kalista is good against team comps that are very mobile and require you to move fast and dodge them around the battlefield. But in the end, it all depends on if you can do enough damage to kill of the enemy team fast enough without dying, which really does not change based on what ADC you choose. While it is significantly important, picking your ADC is not that significant and should be fine based on which ADC champion you are best at.
Team fighting as an ADC
Now as the main constant damage in the team, the first though in your mind may be to go for their weakest link or most important champion on the team first and strike straight away. However, this is not recommended most of the time, as the enemy team will be defending their carries away from you, using shields and their tanks to do so. Because of this, your initial plan should be to just try and do as much damage as you can without dying. Do this by attacking whoever is closest to you while at the same time staying close to your teammates, mainly the support and/or tank. By doing this, you maximize your damage output while at the same time minimizing your chance of dying in the battle. Try to not to die under any circumstance, as with your death ends your team's most efficient source of damage in many situations. If you can attack their carry or weaker teammates, go for it as long as it does not endanger you in any unnecessary way. Remember that as an ADC, you will most likely die the fastest when focused, and when you are try to run far back into the safety of your team, as they should be able to protect you or kill whoever is attacking you. Follow these tactics, and you should be able to win almost any team fight, or at the very least maximize your role in that team fight.

Roaming as an ADC
This may seem to be a weird topic that seems irrelevant to write about, but this is an issue in many games, whether you are winning or losing. In many games around the mid game or even the late game, some ADC's will actually start to roam by split pushing or just simply not being in the same lane as their team mates in order to get more gold by farming. While this in itself is not a bad action, they may not realize that the whole point of them being in the game is to assist in doing heavy amounts of damage on the enemy team, and if they are not there and instead in another lane munching on minions, then that means they are not doing WHAT THEY WERE THERE TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE. While this applies to all champions on your team being needed in every team fight in order to win, the ADC is much more essential in these battles, being the majority of the damage and the main power in pushing the towers and structures after the fights. With a majority of their damage off somewhere else, the team would have no choice but to avoid fights with the enemy team that have their ADC with them and be insufficient in pushing against the enemy team on their own, as compared to with their ADC.
While they may be able to take towers and champions by themselves, this leads to the second problem that when alone, the ADC is vastly inferior than many other champions in the game. This is due to their lack of crowd control on their own skill sets, low defense and health, and most importantly the lack of being able to defend themselves. While the ADC can do tons of damage, other champions such as the tank can take all of that damage while assassins and mages can nuke the ADC before the ADC can do any damage to them. Because of this, the ADC requires a team to be around them and cover their weak points, which is why they need to be with the team or at least a few members in the first place.

The ADC is one of the most essential parts of a good team, as such they are the only ones that have a support with them at all times in the lane and the ones the other allies on their team defending at all costs. As such, it is of the utmost importance to be able to position correctly in team fights and maximize one's damage output at any time in the fight.
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Summary: (Still in Progress)

For now this it all you need to know about the League, but to brush up on what you should know, here is a list.


-Buy wards (everyone) and put in bushes mostly as much as possible
-don't take risks without a good back-up plan
- AD Carries should attack the enemy squishies, but they should have a good position and not be in a dangerous area. They should attack whomever is closest to them if going in any closer means death, but should not be a wuss.
- The assassins (people like shaco/malphite/Zed/Leblanc) should be focusing the ones that can be killed the easiest, generally the support or carry
-Tanks Should initiate and try to block the way of the enemy carries ( stick on to them) and apply crowd control on them (duh)

Hopefully, these tips in this guide will help you become a better player overall, as well as learning how to overcome some problems you may have when working with your team. Thank you for reading this guide. Best of luck in your next match, and don't forget to have fun!

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide