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Ryze Build Guide by KakaoVsMilch

AP Offtank How to Ryze up -a tanky Ryze build

AP Offtank How to Ryze up -a tanky Ryze build

Updated on October 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KakaoVsMilch Build Guide By KakaoVsMilch 2,268 Views 0 Comments
2,268 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KakaoVsMilch Ryze Build Guide By KakaoVsMilch Updated on October 22, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hey guys
that guide is about ryze played tanky but as u can see with a lot of mana to give him high dmg too.
If well played and a early negatron cloak u can destroy nearly every char in mid. in lategame u live way longer than other ap carrys and so u can cast ur q very often.
The build works nice. test it =)
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I think most of the items i chose are easy to recognize. Only thing to say is that i decided to not play ryze with a ROA, cause i get way more advantages by using hextech.
you heal very much and also often cause ur q has low cd and combined with ur ulti its very nice to have hextech.
mercury boots are a way better choice on ryze cause u get magic penetration by ur void staff so u dont need sorcerer boots. also the passive of the treads can be very usefull.
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Pros and Cons


Good dmg by runes and mana items
rly tanky for an ap carry
good healing with spell vamp
nice counter mid cause of high magic resist
Op end game

u need good farm or kills to get good
early game kinda bad
no escape move 8 w has high cd)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KakaoVsMilch
KakaoVsMilch Ryze Guide
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How to Ryze up -a tanky Ryze build

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