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Blitzcrank Build Guide by jstansberry

I am THA CRANK! 3v3 Boss

I am THA CRANK! 3v3 Boss

Updated on September 4, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jstansberry Build Guide By jstansberry 16,921 Views 0 Comments
16,921 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jstansberry Blitzcrank Build Guide By jstansberry Updated on September 4, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


General Information and Helpful Tips

Blitzcrank is an amazing off tank and DPS, being able to make it so once someone engages in a fight against you, they will immediately regret it. A knock up, a pull, and a large ranged AoE silence makes Blitz a scary guy to lane against. If you have someone capable of harassing while laning easily (E.G. Miss Fortune, Gangplank, Malzahar, Ashe, etc), you can easily seal the deal with a well placed pull and an immediate auto-attack/knock-up combo. Get fed early, never lose team fights. Always remember that your Power Fist resets your auto-attack, so if you auto-attack and immediately use E, then you will use your E immediately after that auto attack, dealing much more DPS compared to pressing E before auto-attacking (Do not do this when chasing, as you want a knock up as fast as possible). When laning and you want to grab someone to finish them off, and they are hiding behind creep, sometimes you can wait until the creep directly adjacent to them dies and at that exact moment, you want to grab. Makes sure that there are no other creep that could get in the way, obviously. I will separate this into sections and elaborate more in the future, possibly, as I made this guide in about 10 minutes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jstansberry
jstansberry Blitzcrank Guide
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