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Tristana Build Guide by Veromero



Updated on March 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Veromero Build Guide By Veromero 2,188 Views 0 Comments
2,188 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Veromero Tristana Build Guide By Veromero Updated on March 27, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


You figure out build order

SHE HAVE LOWEST BASIC DMG in the beginning of the game. 50 wtf
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TRISTANA LOGNEST ATTACK RANGE AT lv 18. beside Kog but he gotta use skill
HER Q 90% attack speed for 7 second. AMAZING SKILL.

Long range plus Attacks speed plus attack dmg omg omg. unbeatable

Her W for escaping, ganking, following n stuff. many use.
Her W can escape Nocturns thing. taunt thing. dont remember
use W with ult well

Early game, ult does fine dmg. use it as final blow sometimes.
her ult can cancel casting like ww, malzahal, and many mor's ult.

ta da
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weird build?

tristana got long range and her w and q makes her dont need many attack speed items. if u

wanna bait good, u can get FROZEN MALET or TF instead of one of blood thirster.

if enemies r way too tanky armor stuff, get Last Whisper instead of one of Blood thirster.

too much dmg from thorn mail? get last whisper instead of The Black Cleaver and keep 2 B


get Tiamet jst for fun if u r bored..

I didnt include picts and videos not because i dont know how but because i think ppl needs to read more.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Veromero
Veromero Tristana Guide
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