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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Ignite is always good to put out a bit more damage and bring down an opponent. ghost is great because it can be combined with his W to give him a ton of movement speed. other options could be exhaust if you dont feel ghost and his W are good enough escapers/chasers. same thing with flash. heal isnt that useful with him because if you play right, he should have a ton of health and his ability's have lifesteal. other spells are just plain useless with him.
Vladimir's Q is by far one of my favorite moves. It costs nothing and at level 5 it has a very small cooldown. its great for poking and staying in the lane as it does a good amount of dmg and steals health for himself. Max this first. Vlad's W is also very good. it can chase and escape because it increases his movement speed, decreases others, and makes him untargetable so is great for dodging. I always max this second. Personally, i never use his E until late game when i farm minions. its health cost can be quite a lot, especially when keeping it at 4 stacks and so i usually never get it until im forced to. Lastly, his ulti is great for controlling teamfights. Even though its been nerfed a lot, its still strong and does a ton of damage with its damage percentage buff.
Start off with boots and 3 health potions for a little extra speed and laning power. after that, start building crystal scepter, preferably beginning with giants belt. then upgrade to sorcerers shoes. after this, build depending on how well you are doing. if your doing good, start building rabadons. Its ap will turn into health anyways with your passive. if your not doing so great and your dying a lot, build warmogs and go more tanky. his passive will also turn this health into bonus ap so you get both no matter which way you build.
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