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Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard With Q Deviation
Prophet of an Elder God (PASSIVE)
Illaoi Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The Path to Mastering Illaoi
With this guide I hope to share all that i've learned thus far down my path to mastering Illaoi. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, constructive criticism, and discussions!
This is a work in process and not finished.
This is a work in process and not finished.
Choosing your first skill
Choosing your second skill
Player Movement
Illaoi is an attack damage based champion, you don't want to be simply auto attacking your foes. I don't just mean orb walking, something you should be doing anyways, instead what i'm referring to is kiting your enemies into your tentacle smashes. Often I pull off incredible feats like 1v3s because I'm constantly kiting enemies in a path that aligns and overlaps with where my tentacles will land. I try and avoid kiting perpendicular to my tentacle smashes because it's easier to dodge them this way.
✦If I can kite and avoid taking damage while my skills come off cooldown, I do so. Do not risk taking damage just to get some auto attacks in. Illaoi's tentacles are what make her so strong. I use
Harsh Lesson to quickly turn direction, often duping enemies and quickly walking away letting me get out of their auto attack range if they're not quick enough with a retaliation attack.

✦If I can kite and avoid taking damage while my skills come off cooldown, I do so. Do not risk taking damage just to get some auto attacks in. Illaoi's tentacles are what make her so strong. I use

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