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Malzahar Build Guide by SilentKohlrabi

Im a prophet: i tell you youre dead in a second

Im a prophet: i tell you youre dead in a second

Updated on July 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SilentKohlrabi Build Guide By SilentKohlrabi 1,838 Views 0 Comments
1,838 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SilentKohlrabi Malzahar Build Guide By SilentKohlrabi Updated on July 9, 2012
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Hello Mobafire this is my first guide for LOL and i hope evrybody enyos it. I would be happy ifthe readers could give me a feedback. I am sorry if there to much ortographic faults in this but englisch isnt my nativ language. This guide featurs my main champion Malza wich im pretty good in playing with.
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Pros/ Cons

+. -
- high ranged epic nuking damage. -squishy
- easy farming thanks too malefic visions. -no natural escape mecanism
-powerfull even against tanky enemies -useless when silenced
Because of percet damage.
- good in teamfights as evry skill but
His ultimate kann do aoe damage
- only afro char in the league
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Early, mid, lategame

Youre taking midlane and keep there visonating the minions to death and farming until you reach lvl six. An extra bonus is that your visions are an passiv harass as the enemy cant hide behind his minions. On lvl six you should be able to kill the enemy with a combo of
1. Call of the void
2. Visions
3. Null Zone
4. Nether grasp
5.6. (if nessecery) visions ; ignite

As your enemy is dead ,recall and buy what you need.

As team fights starts to form harass the enemy team with your visions. In team fights you should keep out of the brainless agressor melee fight and try to cast your Q and W maby your E sensfull. If you want you can onehit the enemy ad carry with the combo discribed in the early game part. If you get this you practically won the team fight.

Try to do as in midgame but watch out not to get focussed.
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Summon voidling( passiv ): after using four spells your next spell summons a funny littel animal fighting for you for about 20 seconds. It chases the enemy having your visions on him. Remember you can have several of those.

Call of the void: A wall dealing damage and silencing for a short time. Use for cc and harassment of other casters but dont spam you have mana.

Null zone: pretty unique skill dealing percent damageover time. In the end about 15% of the max health every of 5 seconds. An enemy caught by your ultimate in this shouldt survive or
1. Its that sucking pirate eating friuts.
2. You made something wrong ,very wrong.
3. The target has cleanse.

Malefic visions:
your bread and butter. Great for farming, high ranged, absolutly abnormal dmg. In the end stronger than ignite, jumping after it killed an enemy, spamable. They are epic after winig a teamfight cast them on one of the running lowlife enemies and: wait ... Wait ... TRIPEL KILL!

Nether grasp ( ultimative):
What can you say about this? High ranged, 2,5 seconds stun, epic dmgall in all a nice ult with not too lang cooldown.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SilentKohlrabi
SilentKohlrabi Malzahar Guide
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Im a prophet: i tell you youre dead in a second

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