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Blitzcrank Build Guide by JinPT

iTank Blitzcrank Build

iTank Blitzcrank Build

Updated on August 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JinPT Build Guide By JinPT 2,042 Views 0 Comments
2,042 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JinPT Blitzcrank Build Guide By JinPT Updated on August 30, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


iTank Blitzcrank Build

I'm only sharing my build, this is not a guide at all but here are some advices / explanations:


Sapphire Crystal will allow you to use more times the rocket grab while in laning fase. Sheen is a needed item.
Power fist makes your next atack deal double damage, with sheen it will deal triple damage. Sheen + power fist + override will destroy turrets incredible fast.

Don't be too aggressive while you don't have guardian's angel or it is in colddown.

Don't be affraid of engaging teamfights, relly on your team to cover your back. Engage using overdrive and power fist and use rocket grab to grab escaping low health enemies.

Use ultimate only if you're going to hit a lot of enemies at once. If on 1vs1 ultimate will do more damage passively, use it to do a final burst of damage.

I usually use heal in all my tanks. Heal allows you to be more tanky, save your mates and even helps at lanning fase. I wouldn't recomend Clarivoydence if your tanking nor Ignite or Clarity. You don't need kills and clarity it's unusefull at late game.


NOTE: This is a generalizated build for an ballanced enemy team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JinPT
JinPT Blitzcrank Guide
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