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Bard is annoying support in lane. If he Q's your ADC you can dash to them or you'll get stunned. Plus his poke is quite annoying. Just wait till 6 and you'll probably beat him in a fight.
Blitzcrank is a pretty easy matchup. You can easily dodge his Q with your E or W. He doesn't have any good teamfight and if he hooks you then you can E back to your ADC.
Brand is annoying because of his range and damage. You can dodge his Q and W with your E and W. But his R is really good in teamfights. Make sure to CC him first to remove him from the fight, he also has zero mobility so it's a easy knockup.
Braum is a pretty hard matchup. He can disengage and cancel your engage with his R and his Q slow is pretty annoying. If you can manage to get onto the ADC and CC them, then you usually can win the fight.
Janna is a bad matchup during laning phase. Her R and Q are really good disengages to your all in combo. If she wastes her Q and E then you can usually go in and win the fight.
Karma is an annoying matchup. She's kinda like Brand when it comes to spamming spells, but she has a good shield and tether. You can win when you hit level 6 because your teamfight is better than hers.
Leona is a hard matchup because of her stuns. Her point and click CC chain is quite insane. But after she uses her abilities she is quite useless. If you can survive the initial burst you can win the fight.
Lulu is one of the hardest matchups for Rakan. Her Q poke and slow is super annoying in lane. Her W shield is way better than yours. Her E and R completely nullify your engage. I recommend banning this champion.
Morgana is an annoying champion during lane. Her E is very annoying for when you try to engage. You can win fights if she wastes her Q and E.
Nami is an annoying champion to play against. Her Q is annoying if she lands it. Her heal does more than yours early game. Her ult counters your engage. Make sure you wait for her to use her CC first in a teamfight, then engage.
The handsome devil vs the handsome devil. Who will win? No one will ever know ;)
Shen is an annoying matchup. His taunt is annoying if he lands it on you. But after that he doesn't have any other CC. And if he ults in front of you, you can just knock him up.
Sona is an annoying champion during lane. Her Q poke does tons of damage. Her W heal is really good and her E disengage is pretty good. Her ult counters your engage. Make sure she uses ult before engaging.
Soraka is an annoying champion during laning phase. She has super good heals with her W and R and her E can be annoying. But she has no mobility so once you get onto her she's pretty much dead.
Taric is a good champion overall. Taric is kinda like Rakan, but more tanky and less mobility. His ult is really good for teamfights but after that his healing and shielding are sub-par. Make sure you engage after his ult and that you dodge his E.
Thresh is a pretty good counter to you. His Q, E, and W cancel your engage pretty well. His ult slow is really good as well. If you W onto him he will just E. This is a Thresh favored matchup. Just try to survive lane and hope your teammates don't get caught out by his Q. Also his Level 2 power spike is insane, watch out.
Zyra is annoying matchup. Her E and R are pretty good disengage tools and her plant poke is pretty good. Since she has no mobility, if she misses her skillshots you can win the fight easily.
Alistar has good engage, but that's about it. Once he uses his combo he can't do anything. Just peel your ADC and get free heals off him.
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