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Janna Build Guide by Lamb000

Janna as OP support

Janna as OP support

Updated on August 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lamb000 Build Guide By Lamb000 3,539 Views 0 Comments
3,539 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lamb000 Janna Build Guide By Lamb000 Updated on August 12, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


About this build/ Items

I am LamB000 from eune server.
This is my first build in mobafire so sorry if it is fail :P
This is my best support build ever... i take it for every support (except Zilean)
This is very useful build bcuz of lot of aura bonus, gold regen, active skill of the item's so u can be powerful support if you try this build.

My first thing that i want to say is this:
I saved my lot of teammates' and my life thx for wards. i dont want to make picture and show that where should u take wards beacuse i don't have a lot of time. I know my build wont be the top 1-10 but some peoples will see this.

I don't want to write a lot of blablabla and etc..... Only what is important....
--> The most important is the heartof gold... bcuz if u don't like randuin's Omen you cant take the Locket of the Iron Solari. I prefer randuin if your enemy ad carry fed bcuz of atck speed debuff and slowing. But i can prefer the Locket of the iron solari (LotIS) if your team is very squishy bcuz of active shield and hp regen passive aura.

2nd important thing: why take Zeke's herald? ---> Only take if ur ad carry is not noob and u have another ad champion in your team. Zeke's passive is lifesteal and atck speed aura so that is why u need to buy this item.

Shurelya's Reverie is an original support item.

Soul Shroud is an op item in lol bcuz of aura cd reduction and make u a little bit tanky.
Original support boots is the Ionian boots of lucidy bcuz of cd regen.

Why take Deatfire grasp? bcuz this is your last item what u should buy and Kage's Lucky pick will give u a lot of gold.... Deathfire is good item to end this build.

Why take 3 gold regen items? Because you must'nt farm minions if your ad carry is not noob and u must'nt steal the kills (ks) from your teammates.... BUT you will have a lot of gold bcuz of these gold regen items.
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Summoner Spells

Take Flash and Exhaust.
Flash: Your character is very squishy and u need it if u have to run.
Exhaust: Dmg reduction, Slowing enemys
U can take Clairvoyance if u know how to use this and which times. Then take Flash and CV
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Skill Sequence

Take Eye of the Storm first and use it everytime if ur ad carry hit the tower or champions bcuz of the high shield and bonus attack dmg... dont use this skill while he is farming minions bcuz it's a lot of mana and dont need to last hit.

Channel your Howling Gale from the bushes bcuz enemy cant see that so 50% chance to knock them up. (50% bcuz if they have ward in bush they can see that)

Zephyr is ur 2nd skill that you should max bcuz of slowing. Use it with exhaust and u'll have a very nice cc.

About your ultimate....:
Dont waste it anytime... you need to save it when u have a fail fight and you can save you and your teammates with your ultimates knock back effect. IF your are not ap janna (that is fail build) you dont need to use it for heal when out of fights bcouz of big CD.

That is my build and if you like pls vote. If you dont like also vote and pls tell me what should i change in this build in a
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lamb000
Lamb000 Janna Guide
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Janna as OP support

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