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Janna Build Guide by GecKoNo

Janna Build ( Full Support)

Janna Build ( Full Support)

Updated on June 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo Build Guide By GecKoNo 4,879 Views 0 Comments
4,879 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo Janna Build Guide By GecKoNo Updated on June 10, 2011
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First of all thank you for reading my Guide.

I started this because there is no reliable guide to play janna as a real support char.
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Playing as a Supporter

Your main focus is always guarding your Teammates.

Normally you go on the bottom Lane with an AD Carry.
There you have 2 things to do.

1. Try to harass enemys as often as possible, to let your Carry be more focused on Creep Kills an maybe he can get a kill out of that.

2. Guard your Carry, have the shield ready for him, to safe his hp or let him harass the enemys better.

Never going for last hits. Just if you are really sure that he will miss it, becuse of attack cd or out of range you can get it.

Always have a good map awareness and use your cv smart.

Try to get as most assists as possible (thats one of the way to get gold as supporter) and just get kills if he would get away!

In the game you have to buy alot of wards. So you dont get alot of items.

You should get Shurelyas when the game take around 40 mins.
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Your second part in the game is to get map control.

When your Team knows, where the enemys are you getting more kills, free Dragons or Baron and its hard to get ganked.

For this you have to get a lot of wards!

Here the map with ward postions!

<img src="">

Always think about whats needed more.

So if your Team has pushed a few of the enemys Towers warding in their jungle is the thing you should do. You can use cv to place the ward saver.
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I have no Items! Am i useless in Teamfights?

OFC not!

You should always hanging in the back of the fight. Positioning is really important!

Use your Tornados smart to cc engaging enemys and give the AD Carry or the one in the clash your Shield if needed, thats 50 Dmg more then a BF!

If the enemys going to chase you or the AD Carry use your ulti to get rid of them if needed.

If someone like Kennen is engaging your Ulti will counters him, so use it.
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Last Chapter

Im not finished with this guide till now its just the smart of getting big.

So if someone have suggestions or ideas plz let me know.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo
GecKoNo Janna Guide
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Janna Build ( Full Support)

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