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Janna Build Guide by Dengstar

Janna in Dominion, Are u serious?!?

Janna in Dominion, Are u serious?!?

Updated on July 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dengstar Build Guide By Dengstar 2,396 Views 1 Comments
2,396 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dengstar Janna Build Guide By Dengstar Updated on July 16, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



Well Well,

I am a guy who plays a lot of Dominion and i am really in Love with Janna! People in Dominion dont like supports, so i got often flamed :
WTF Janna/Support in Dom, are u kidding me ?

Yes.. thats how it is often if u play Queen-Janna in Dominion :(

But with this Guide u can prove it, that Janna is far away from useless !
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Pros / Cons

- Your CC
- Your Mobility
- Your Passive for the Team ^_^
- Your Surviveability
- If u have a Rammus in your team, the top point is capped before they even get there ^_^
- Amazing Ganks on Botlane!

- You do like 0 Damage.. but well u are the support :P
- U cant/shouldnt play Botlane like this
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As u see is my Runebuild pretty Standard.. Movementquints are definately needed!
U could change the Armor Runes with Arm per LV Runes, cause in Dominion u get pretty fast your Levels and u dont have to survive that long on low levels ;)
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When u got an AP team as enemy Rush the odyn´s veil first before frozen heart, but go for Glacial Shroud before u finish the odyn´s ! u need a bit CDR!
If there is just one AP guy vs u , u should just get the Negatron Cloak, its enough MR!

The Shurelias should be used in fights (pretty logic not ? ) or for these damn runners/cappers.. so u will be there in time ! Not for running from your point, when u respawn!

The Frozen Mallet is nearly never archived in a Game.. but sometimes there are the ultralong rounds, and if u get it , your autohit is slowing too+ u got a ton of HP !
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Nothing Special here, simply my Singed/Rumble page I used :D A little bit tanky and a bit Ability Power for the first FIght on top ;)
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Summoner Spells

U can use Ghost or Revive, but cause i dont wanna spend a Point in the Summoners Revolve, i prefer Ghost!

Flash or Exhaust i would use in the other spot.. i can do more with flash (nice ultmoves for example ) , but if your team lack exhaust , take that!
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Team Work / Skilluse / BlaBlaBla :P

U definately need a good team! U cant win alone, thats clear.. but u can make them win with good shurelia use and your insane CC!
Slow the targets with your W and see your m8s melting them.. use q so they rly cant get away ...
E is always for the AD guy on your side!

in def cases use these both skillz to protect your DD... u know, the janna way , i guess i dont have to explain that :p R is pretty useful too here :D

When Game goes on and u are pretty tanky u can also start the fights ! dont be afraid, u arent squishy ^^

Its also nice to push enemys into the tower with your R :D

So overall, CC them, hit a bit and try to annoy them, u will have an easy day :D
Its always good if they rage on you and target u .. u can run easily from anyone and while u get focused your team can beat them up! A lot of guys focus u .. they think Janna, its the useless Dom char , squishy ... haha u can laugh about them, cause they waste all there skillz on u ;)
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So I know this isnt the most beatiful guide .. but i hope u understood what u have to do :P

HF trying it out and make Janna popular in Dominion! :)
Never take her when u got already too many supportchars like alistar/nautilus ! One CC guy is enough ;)

Sry for my poor English too :P
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dengstar
Dengstar Janna Guide
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Janna in Dominion, Are u serious?!?

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