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Janna Build Guide by Relapzed

Support Janna the Shield God

Support Janna the Shield God

Updated on February 3, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Relapzed Build Guide By Relapzed 9,041 Views 0 Comments
9,041 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Relapzed Janna Build Guide By Relapzed Updated on February 3, 2018
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Janna the Shield God

This guide is not so much about about explaining Janna the champion or how to use her kit. I assume you have at least a basic understanding of how to effectively play Janna although I will provide my thoughts on how this build works.

I am pretty rigid about sticking to the build order. Notice that you will still be the same ol' squishy Janna which will die easily without careful use of her abilities and positioning. That being said, depending on what champions you are playing against it isn't at all impossible to find yourself being in a position of being relatively untouchable unless the enemy team wants to get baited into an easy loss. If the enemy team can get to you and CC you, play carefully... full stop. If you are capable of shutting the enemy team down with your cc I suggest you play a little bit more agro to bait the enemy team into throwing by trying to kill you. By the time you've completed Redemption, Mikael's and Censer your shields will be INSANE.

Special notes: With this build once you've completed 5/6 items you will hit your peak Shield/Heal% increase. With these items combined with the rune selection you will have +45% stronger shields/heals. Your Redemption however will be 135% more effective, let me just tell you that it's pretty damn staggering how enormous that can be in a fight. This build also provides the CDR cap and obviously doing everything more often is a good thing.

Rune Selection: Luckily this Rune page will allow Janna to trade a bit better during laning phase along side the additional shield/heal%.

The enemy team will often times struggle in deciding on whether to go for you or not. If they can't kill you instantly, focusing you can be disastrous for them as you will kite them into oblivion while your team kills them off. On the other hand if they ignore you and focus on your teammates they will have to deal with your repeated waves of CC and insane shields. In the past Janna's shield was okay but with this build at level 18 every 6 seconds you will be pumping out a shield of 400+ providing a buff of 50+ AD, 30% AS and some on hit magic damage.

Comments/Critiques: Feel free to tell me how terrible you think this build is but I've been having a pretty fun time with it. Enjoy :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Relapzed
Relapzed Janna Guide
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