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Jarvan IV Build Guide by polAry

Jarvan IV - It's a Nice Day to Die.

Jarvan IV - It's a Nice Day to Die.

Updated on July 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author polAry Build Guide By polAry 2,265 Views 0 Comments
2,265 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author polAry Jarvan IV Build Guide By polAry Updated on July 6, 2011
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First of All

sorry for my bad english, i'm from brazil, and here, we speak portuguese, not spanish like most of LoL's players think.

this build is not recommended for new players trying jarvan, it's just for experienced players, that know:
- to last hit
- tank in team fights
- when to ult (don't trapping teammates, escaping or even helping a friend)
- using Golden Aegis
- to play as a pro using jarvan.
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Jarvan IV

jarvan is a really great champion, his passive is pretty awesome and he's a realy strong early game heroe.
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Early Game

because of your passive, u do a lot of damage on first hits, so it's pretty good to farm.
as you can see this build is consisted by expensive items, so you'll need a lot of farming.
i highly recommend soloing or even going mid ir your up to it, because you'll need a lot of minions.
A good combo to hit is to throw Demacian Standard] at your enemy, then use Dragon Strike aiming at your flag, it will pull you, do damage to the enemy champion, and even throw him at the hair, that will give you time to hit him, and because of your passive, it will do more damage. that's something like 300 dmg, only in one combo. So if you do this 3 times, your enemy will be backing to base or even dead.

ALLWAYS when you do this combo, remember to use Golden Aegis when you hit your enemy. It will give you some shield and even slow your enemy. Perfect for chasing.

IMPORTANT 2: Your mana pool is really small. I mean REALLY small. don't spam too much your abilties because you'll ran out of mana pretty quick


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Mid Game

You should have Trinity Force by now

you will be really fast, and can tanky a lot of champions.
but don't think your so strong, because if you get ganked or focused you'll be dead sooner then you think.

Always remeber to kill some minions from jungle, it will help you get your items faster
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Late Game

You will have A LOT of health points, and you can tanky some teamfights, but care do don't die.
Because of Atmas Impaler's passive, you will have something like 300 attack damage.
when you get your 2nd warmog, you'll have more then 5.000 HP. this is just amazing for you and your team, you can tank hard in team fights, tank towers, and even tank baron.
enjoy beeing unkillable.
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Thank You For Your Time

Hope you win some games like i do

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League of Legends Build Guide Author polAry
polAry Jarvan IV Guide
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Jarvan IV - It's a Nice Day to Die.

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