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Jarvan IV General Guide by Jarver

Jarvan IV the Sleeper

Jarvan IV the Sleeper

Updated on November 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarver Build Guide By Jarver 1,534 Views 0 Comments
1,534 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarver Jarvan IV Build Guide By Jarver Updated on November 11, 2012
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Hello everyone, this is my first guide. I was never interested in making one until I started playing Jarvan IV a lot. I have seen a few guides for him and pulled some information from them. However I have not seen anyone build these items. Please enjoy and tell me what you think.
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Pretty standard runes to be honest. You want Jarvan IV to take the hits while your team messes them up. These runes work well for this goal. You can probably do more defense like armor quints, but that is up to you.
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Again, tanky masteries are going to save your life as well as your teams'. I take Siege Commander because if you are with allies your Standard + Commander = Fast tower destruction. I skip movement masteries because ghost is a good pick on him. If you are trying to get an assist but too slow to hit the champ, throw down your Standard; the buff on your allies will give you the assist. Attack speed is really good on Jarvan IV as you will see in the items I chose.
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Finally, the fun part. I was playing a game and all of a sudden it clicked. Why spend all your money on Trinity Force? The specialized items I chose give you the tankyness you are looking for plus so much more. Trinity picks a stat from a little of this and that; the items that build up to it are not very good either (Sheen is good but not going to be up often enough in team fights). If you notice the items I chose you will see you are tanky the whole way through.

Another reason I chose these items was because Jarvan IV needs to play more of a role while abilities are on cooldown. Yes, his passive is amazing but attack speed from Wit's End will make sure the enemies notice you. Your goal is to peel while your teammates burn enemies down.
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The Summary is now because I have no time for more chapters. I will be updating soon though; I want you to see the strength in this build. Plus you already know how powerful Jarvan's abilities are. He has been sleeping for far too long (Also don't people just look at these builds for the items while in game?) Please feel free to tell me your thoughts.

P.S. I feel this build can be for any area (Top, jungle, 3v3, I even like support bottom with someone who knows J4's play style)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarver
Jarver Jarvan IV Guide
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Jarvan IV the Sleeper

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