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Jarvan IV Build Guide by stefanbg123

AD Offtank Jarvan jungle

AD Offtank Jarvan jungle

Updated on November 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stefanbg123 Build Guide By stefanbg123 6,507 Views 0 Comments
6,507 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author stefanbg123 Jarvan IV Build Guide By stefanbg123 Updated on November 8, 2012
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Chapter 1

When you jungle with Jarvan you start with wolfs then Blue buff.After you get the blue you try to gank top/mid/bot depending if you are at the bottom or top side of the map.You need to be aggresive and camp lanes.You need to get fb or make them waste flash so your top/mid/bot will have an easyer time.After a few ganks if you have a decent amount of HP you go and take red buff and try to gank somewhere again.If all the lanes are pushed and you have map control(that means to have wards on drake and their blue or red buff) you can go do some counter jungle.You just need to be sure to have gold for heart of gold or more.If you dont have enough at least you need 475 for your ruby crystal.If you die in a gank or you get counter jungled you buy some potions and wards.You put the wards on your blue or red depending on whay you want to be more secure.I prefer blue cuz your mid needs it.If you dont die, after you back you go and give the blue to your mid.After that you need to gank bot lane and get them even if you need to dive the tower so you can get a free drake or if you kill the jugnler thats a free drake too cuz they wont have smite and you will.In team fights you focus the ad carry or ap carry depending on the kills and farm.If the ap carry is fed you focus him, but if the ad and ap carry are even you always focus the AD, ALWAYS!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stefanbg123
stefanbg123 Jarvan IV Guide
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