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Jarvan IV Build Guide by F--SantoS--

Jarvan The Fighter Master

Jarvan The Fighter Master

Updated on November 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author F--SantoS-- Build Guide By F--SantoS-- 2,556 Views 0 Comments
2,556 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author F--SantoS-- Jarvan IV Build Guide By F--SantoS-- Updated on November 7, 2011
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Intro (Why Create)

I've seen all builds for Jarvan IV, but all seem so incomplete in my point of view, especially in the late game, where Jarvan is so focused. I had the need of a Jarvan who was a fixed morale support for my team, and this with this build I created that.
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The best build I've managed so far is Armour Penetration/Armour/Magic Resist runes... Balanced for the 2 rune page Build and low IP, sorry if it is for noob/unskilled but after various buys I still prefer this.
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I've tried to create a Build that Jarvan could do damage and still very durable in fight. To do this I started a build for health and mana/health regen and boosting my gold to +2.1/10sec, the Heal and Clarity really give me more time in lane so I can buy the next items faster. After Banshees I usually take a sec to see my opponents and my team status in the game. If it has been a no-trobule game, I invest in a wriggle's lantern, which mean I can go between lanes and game phases doing jungler's stuff to make even more money.
At final phase I trade my gold generation for Warmogs Armor and Atmas Impaler. the cherry on top of the cake is the Starks fervor. It gives a real Boost to all of your team, plus your Standard.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author F--SantoS--
F--SantoS-- Jarvan IV Guide
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Jarvan The Fighter Master

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