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Fiora Build Guide by Celebrain

jungleing with Fiora

jungleing with Fiora

Updated on March 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Celebrain Build Guide By Celebrain 1,935 Views 0 Comments
1,935 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Celebrain Fiora Build Guide By Celebrain Updated on March 1, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Ok, well this is my basic guide to a decent jungle . In my opinion, it is better to jungle her then to play her in the lane.
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The runes are pretty self explanitory. dps shouldnt really go without arp runes. the attack speed comes in handy for your jungleing. the quicker you hit the more your lifesteal will kick in. flat armour and flat magic resist for jungleing. it is what i have always used
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masteries are a basic 21-9-0 setup for jungleing. make sure u take 3 points in vampirism, that way u have 15% lifesteal in your early jungleing phase.
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Summoner Spells

if u r jungleing then u need to grab smite. i use flash because it is great for either getting away or closing that gap for that kill. ofc there are other options. exhuast is a good one. great for 1v1's and to really shut down there ad carry in team fights. ghost is useful as well. can speed up ur jungleing phase or get u to that overextended lane quicker. or u can just use it to get out of a sticky situation. ignite is also a good one to consider. have a yi on the other team that is healing insanely. throw ignite on him and just dps him down.
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I start with the vamp spectre because it just does a really great job. i do sit at the base and wait to buy an hp pot before u start jungleing. you dont really lose time doing this. all the other items r basic items for her. ofc u can change items up once u know what u have on the other team. but they work pretty good.
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Skill Sequence

ok. i know everyone thinks u should take ur w skill first. but i take the e skill first so i can get that attack speed boost. it really helps ur lifesteal kick in. make sure u pick up ur q at lvl 4 so that way ur rdy to gank.
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Creeping / Jungling

i start my jungle at the small golem camp, use ur smite here. after that i go up to wraiths. then over to wolves. after wolves go ahead and grab ur blue buff. usually i use the hp pot right after killing wolves and i go right into getting my blue buff. use ur smite on the blue golem. go back to the small golem camp and use ur skills to kill them. then head over to ur red buff. use ur skills on the red lizard and smite him out if u have it. finish off ur jungle route by killing the wraiths and wolves once more. now its time to gank, or if no possibilities, head back to base and pick up a few items. usually by this time i go help my lanes and grab blue and red buffs when available.
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well, i hope u like this guide. its my first one so it wasnt put together to well. but please try it out before u leave any bad comments.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Celebrain
Celebrain Fiora Guide
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jungleing with Fiora

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