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Evelynn Humor Guide by YA MOMMA

Just leach it?

Just leach it?

Updated on June 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YA MOMMA Build Guide By YA MOMMA 7 2 4,928 Views 10 Comments
7 2 4,928 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YA MOMMA Evelynn Build Guide By YA MOMMA Updated on June 6, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


Da Badass Introduction

Evelynn is a Ranged-Melee-Tanky-DPS-Assassin-Mage-Tank-Support-Jungler.
That means Evelynn is quite OP.

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Most OP Runes

Obviously you can see my Runes, so there's not much to talk about!

You have High CDr and Movement Speed.

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Those Masteries *__*

As you can see, my Masteries are 30|0|0.

This Setup allows you to be very Tanky and deal Tons of Damage!

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Evelynn's Secret Passive is, you can buy more than just 6 Items.

This Itembuild gives you a lot of Tankyness, DPS, Movement Speed etc.

There's nothing to talk about it.

It's OP.

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Skill Sequence

As you might know, Evelynn is most known for her Invisibilty.

What you gonna do is:

Take 3 Points in your Ultimate Eary, skill your Q For your Ranged DPS and then Skill UP your Invisibility to Infinity.

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Summoner Spells

Evelynn needs Ghost for some Extra Movement Speed.

And because your Invisibility Costs A lot of Mana from Rank 7 on, you need as much Mana as you can get: Clarity.

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Evelynn ist the most OP Champ.
Enjoy it.

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