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Karma Build Guide by dotCarlos

Karma: I kill with my shield.

Karma: I kill with my shield.

Updated on August 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dotCarlos Build Guide By dotCarlos 2,197 Views 0 Comments
2,197 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dotCarlos Karma Build Guide By dotCarlos Updated on August 16, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Clairvoyance



Karma is one of the most complete supporters in this game, you can heal yourself while healing your partners too, can shield yourself or someone else and you can slow an enemy or speed up an allied champion and is actually really strong on attack. She's also an aswesome gold farmer. Is by far the best supporter in my opinion.
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Magic penetration runes are always nice for karma as Ability Power ones does, so I made a combination of both. Just imagine shielding someone with ultimate, it's damage will turn crazy with runes.
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Pros / Cons


[*] Is a good healer.
[*] It has a huge variety of skill usages.
[*] Karma is good attacking or defending.
[*] Karma's skills can be casted on any monster/champion in the map.


[*] It might be hard to play her if you are used to get asassins. You need more patience to play Karma, because its skills have to much different ways of use and learn them.
[*] Karma is a little slow, so you will need to use spirit bond to escape or get an enemy who's running from you.
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Skill Sequence

Skill sequence is easy to explain. You will raise the Shield as your principal skill, why? the reason is that shield will be your biggest weapon to do anything you need: Farming, Attacking or Defending. Combining Soul shield with your Mantra you will be able to shield yourself and hit the enemy/minions too.

The secondary skill is Heavenly Wave, this skill is pretty cool because combined with your ultimate you heal yourself and you can heal your teammates too, plus you make a higher damage using it, you can also combine it with Soul Shield, on low levels (8 or less) use Soul Shield + Mantra to hit minions and Heavenly Wave to finish them.

Finally the last but not less important skill is Spirit Bound, this one, as all Karma's skills got multiple purposes. Karma is an awesome champion, you can use Spirit bound for the next purposes:

  • Using spirit bound to farm: We use it linking this skill to a minion and walking around the others, so whoever who passes across this link will get some magic damage.
  • Using spirit bound to speed you up: when you use it with this purpose, your partner and you get a speed boost, being able to reach any target you want.
  • Using spirit bond to escape: Same as above, but running out from someone/something.
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As I said before, Karma's spells can be casted on any creature on the map, for example: You can use Soul Shield on one of your minions to reach something you couldn't reach casting it on yourself. That way you can get a lot of kills/gold without risking yourself to a premature death.

With Soul Shield as your primary skill you can reduce your HP levels and play safe farming faster (Karma's passive skill gives you more Ability Power when your HP is low). On lvl 8+ you will be able to 1 Hit a bunch of minions using that shield + ultimate skill, so that gives you like 100-200 Gold each time you cast it ! Awesome right?
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I think that's all you need to know for getting a nice game with this awesome champion. I recommend you to train with bots before trying to make something in a game agaisnt summoners, because karma is kind off hard to use the first time, but after you know how to correctly apply each one of its skills for each different situation, it will be easy to manage all those asassins. Specially melee ones like Xin Zhao, Master Yi, Garen, etc.

I hope you like this guide. Thanks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dotCarlos
dotCarlos Karma Guide
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Karma: I kill with my shield.

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