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Karma Build Guide by probablyasleep

Karma's a *****

Karma's a *****

Updated on June 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author probablyasleep Build Guide By probablyasleep 2,531 Views 0 Comments
2,531 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author probablyasleep Karma Build Guide By probablyasleep Updated on June 23, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity



Karma is a beast support. Her mantra is amazing, shielding minions for damage and using q for heal, a viable mid or top solo option. Obviously laning with a partner is alright, any way you look at it, Karms is a *****.
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I like all the ap and magic pen I can get, change it up if you want.
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15% Spell pen and then the extra mana and regen and cooldown from utility.
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Start off with a doran's ring, grab your boots and some heal pots when you go back, and an amplifying tome if you have the money, or even the soulstealer. Remember to play smart with this build, once you get 20 stacks, and a deathcap, your team is probably already winning.
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Summoner Spells

I like flash and clarity, flash is obvious, being able to snag kills with a quick q and mantra shield or an escape mechanism. Clarity can be switched with your preference, I however, like the lane strength it gives you, as well as freeing up your item choices (no tear necessary).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author probablyasleep
probablyasleep Karma Guide
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Karma's a *****

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