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Karthus Build Guide by Endon122

Karthus dominion(only build, only optional items+build)

Karthus dominion(only build, only optional items+build)

Updated on September 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Endon122 Build Guide By Endon122 14,335 Views 2 Comments
14,335 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Endon122 Karthus Build Guide By Endon122 Updated on September 22, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Chapter 1

ooook lets look at karthus in dominion
Someone might disagree with these 2 AA staffs... i know.. but trust me, it really helps!
Hextech sweeper is just OMGOMGOMG GIMME ITEM fro karthus. Perma vision until they die... why not? and also scouting brushes will be 2x as effective!
Prosceptors ring. Many people will say:what? why? Ok, i know dorans ring sucks on karthus, BUT! It heals your squshiness, adds a rofl, pwned ability power bonus to start and that mana regen is like meki pendant.
Oooh, u have problems with other mages? And u want add some extra dmg to your suicide bomb tactic? Buy Odyns veil!
ok this isnt nothing special i just wanted to create something asap ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Endon122
Endon122 Karthus Guide
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