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Karthus Build Guide by Sh0ckzZSkills300

Karthus Full AP

Karthus Full AP

Updated on June 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sh0ckzZSkills300 Build Guide By Sh0ckzZSkills300 7,821 Views 1 Comments
7,821 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sh0ckzZSkills300 Karthus Build Guide By Sh0ckzZSkills300 Updated on June 23, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


Hey Guys This is My first Guide :) i hope you Like it

Hey guys at the end Sell the shoes and buy the item

Here is the story About karthus :

The vast amounts of physical magic, which have been used in countless wars Valoran runes were destroyed and, in many areas of the country back deep scars. Many remote locations have been transformed into very dangerous areas. Howling The Marsh is such a place and the self-appointed, unqualified ruler of this country is a Lich named Karthus. It is believed that Karthus in life was a magician, who sought out the folly in brackish waters and his luck was dark by the magic that permeates the swamp, transformed forever. Karthus now ruled with an iron (or rather bony) swampy fist over his dominion. Visitors are not welcome and those who can not throw them out of the terrible power of the lich, the most likely even as undead skeletons or zombies in ever increasing army Karthus eternal servant. It is said that Karthus sings in dark nights of all those who have succumbed to the swamp.

Karthus position in the League of Legends is one of the more unusual in the history of the league. First, it is highly unusual for a Lich, who was known for isolation and hatred for all life, all can be a compliant part of an organization that advocates for the preservation of life. Moreover, it is Karthus any gain in power and influence he could win for his services to the league, from the road. Basically he is an unpaid volunteer. This behavior is fundamentally different from the impression which would make his life outside the league to viewers. Karthus has never spoken about his intentions, which led him to become a champion of the league. He is actually quite erratic, when you respond to him. In order not to provoke a lich unnecessary to pursue the most sensible people, the matter no further.

"Come visit my home and I'll sing you a song on your grave life as it once was."

The Phantom Karthus is a nice skin :)

This Karthus Guide based On a 5vs 5
when you in a 5 on 5 Fight and you die Attack the enemys with all you attacks and at last do your ulti :)
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Champions with them in Play :)

Okay Guys Iam from Germany so write so i can understand it :)

okay My champions :

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Summoner Spells

Hey Guys I choose Flash and Clarity

Flash: When you play as Karthus in the Mid you need Flash When you were Ganked so
you use Flash and you (W) Spell To survive the gank :) and you can use flash To Kill a Enemy Who runs away.
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Hey i Choose Runes Per Level Because so you have with lvl 18 The maximal ap with Runes
and in the combination with the items you have the maximal ap :)
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With these Masteries you have a mana +health regeneration and the Archmeys Savvy I know i write it false but you know what i mean :)
So with the archmeys savvy your Ap increases per Level too 0.60 %
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Hey the Items in the Build Help you too become over 1500 ap

Rabadons deathcap help you a lot he brings 155 ap + 30 % of the ap that you have already

with the 5 items Archengels Staff you have a lot of mana and the passiv is 3% of your mana go to your ap So you have a lot of mana = Maximum ap :)
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Go with Karthus In the Mid and wait till the Minions have low Life and kill them with auto hit or your Q Spell its help a lot in the late game groups of minions with the Q Spell to Kill.
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Team Work

Teamwork with Karthus Is great at the beginning of the game go with karthus mid when you are level 6 say it in the chat

so can your Team say you when enemys survive with low life and sou you can kill them with your ulti.

Its good when you have a jungler in your team so you can Slow him with you W spell and the Jungler help you to kill him But Buy wards with karthus Its help you a lot ;)
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My Opinion

In my Opinion Is karthus in the late Game a Great DAMAGEDealer
in team fights you can easyly make a quadra or tripple kill but

Karthus Die to fast :) When you like to kill 3 enemys and die :D
is karthus perfekt :)
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The End

hey Guys This was my First Guide
I hope you like it :)
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