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Karthus Build Guide by Zraxiar

Karthus Like a boss "Zraxiar"

Karthus Like a boss "Zraxiar"

Updated on December 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zraxiar Build Guide By Zraxiar 3,307 Views 2 Comments
3,307 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zraxiar Karthus Build Guide By Zraxiar Updated on December 31, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Hey guys welcome to my Karthus Flash Ignite and Revive/Teleport guides


I mean begin

Starter item : Dorans ring or Boots + 3 pots
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Build { ITEMS }

Ok First of all for normal [ and ranked] I use meja's because I know i can hit it stacked up thoguh for ranked I recommend

replacing the meja's for early negatron or chainmail [depending on what could possibly be owning u currently [or later] in the game And then build this [later] into a Zhonya's hourglass OR abbysal sceptor

Core items : Deathcap,void staff,sorcer shoes

These 3 should always be used on karthus

My favorite build for normal { and ranked } is {used less for ranked though}

Sorcer>Meja's>RoA>Deathcap>Voidstaff> Rylai's [Sometimes Hourglass/WoTa/Abbysal]

But i prefer sticking with rylai's as much as possible
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I recommend the runes lsited here but you can substitute [some or all or most] of the AP/lvl blues for flat MR

Or Armor for AP/lvl because I have used dodge before which is getting removed

And dodge is 'luck based' wheras armor is guaranteed and ap/lvl

their was games essentially dodge did nothing for me but on the whole it was like "DAT EPIC DODGE"

tl;dr Get armor and/or AP/lvl yellow or a mixture all but one or half and half
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With Flash Ignite OR FLash Exhaust OR Revive/tp [ different masteries and slightly different build ]

I have masteries that variate Revive teleport karthus ALSO included in this guide
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Learn to use Wall of Pain correctly and it can face check / reveal vision

Learn to aim lay waste like a boss it can be used for first bloods easily if ur skilled

Learn to buy negatron cloak or chainmail if ur against a Leblanc or some hard hitting early AD [cait] and go **** on them l0l

CS Hard deny them CS go Gank when its the correct time and use requiem when ur safe or dead



1. Meja's 2. need the gold to get quick Deathcap or w.e

2.*Unless the team mate who is fighting has a horrible build/skill probly ur fed > Especially if ur skilled with karthus
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Way of Revive/teleport

Same thing but These masteries 21-1-8 or 21-9-0

Spec revive Spec teleport Spec armor and MR OR Mana/Death reduction/Movement speed

Same skill order

Build { ITEMS } =

Rush tear of the goddess build into Archangel's much later >Soorcer>Rush WoTa[will of the ancients] > rush deathcap> Rush voidstaff> Get rylais /hourglass/abbysal/RoA maybe if u think ull have the time to get the full effect

Aim Q good buy wards constantly OR Ask team to use W good

Try to catch team out of position u can tank baron and quickly do it early with the Spell vamp

TL;DR once u master everything else its just a matter of warding correctly Doing as much DPS as possible > Die >Requiem> Revive/tp in > die again/ OR CLEANUP/ACE

Have fun! "ZRAXIAR" karthus 2 gud

My smurf Xraxiarv2
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In ranked 1520+ [gold] ELo

I got one in season 1 while trolling in ranked Q ~1249 elo to 1350 elo

My guide is #1 srsly covers everything u need to know to become a good karthus player and carry teams

Check my smurf Xraxiarv2 also
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Additional summoner spells

Flash exhaust is also good [Gosu Araragi]

But i just loove igniting people L0l its also netted me a kill while living because i get cc'd but their being tick'd by ignite

Flash clarity is also great sometimes i tried it but i dont prefer it at all

Scarletdoom a pro season 1 karthus player with a ******ed 92-95% win rate @ 100+ ranked games @ 2k elo

Used to use it on karthus
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Additional item swaps

sometimes I want to swap zhonyas for abbysal sceptor for MR if i see my death recap is too much magic damage or spell vamp if im feeling safe enough and not tanking too much AD or Magic damage then spellvamp gives me more effective health with some runes + the bonus health
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