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Kayle Build Guide by hellovamatt

Kayle AP

Kayle AP

Updated on May 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hellovamatt Build Guide By hellovamatt 2,206 Views 0 Comments
2,206 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hellovamatt Kayle Build Guide By hellovamatt Updated on May 19, 2012
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Kayle is a champion better played AP as her abilities suit her that way. At the start of the game she can be killed easy so its best to farm and earn as much gold very quickly. Her low damage doesnt matter when farming as you will be using Righteou Fury to do lots of splash damage against minions. As you build up your items your health and AP will increase making your Reckoning do an incredible amount of damage on champions. Her Divine Blessing and Flash can be used together to either escape from or chase down a champion eg when your opponent is on 100hp you can Flash and use Divine Blessing on yourself which will give you enough speed to catch up with him/her and deliver that final blow which gets you the kill. Whne escaping these moves are used similarly but in a different way. if you are being chased you can flash over a wall and use Divine Blessing on yourself to give you the speed you need to widen the gap between you and you pursuers. Kayles Ultimate is extremly useful as it can be used to get you or a teammate out of a tricky situation because when it is casted it grants you invulnrability for around 2-3 seconds which is extremly useful. Personaly i use Kayle ultimate when i am against tanky character such as Cho`gath or Volibear.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hellovamatt
hellovamatt Kayle Guide
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