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Kayle Build Guide by enrage1337

Kayle goes enrage

Kayle goes enrage

Updated on October 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author enrage1337 Build Guide By enrage1337 1,765 Views 0 Comments
1,765 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author enrage1337 Kayle Build Guide By enrage1337 Updated on October 28, 2011
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How to play

if you have a good teammate who survive on his own you dont need to skill heal much just for the movement speed buff, even the ulti dont need to be skilled after lvl 6 if you dont have good teamfights where it could be needed! so you can go on more damage, most of the time the first ulti skill is enough to change the fight. The item build is addicted to your enemy! to slow enemys use reckoning and try to hit him with righteous fury if possible( without taking more dmg than him, if you know he regenate to fast its meaningless, too!) if you attack creeps in near of the enemy you can give them little dmg too! When you have melee enemys often can you attack them directly with it and go back before minions attack you. If there is no enemy to much feeded you should rock with this build! stay out of direct fights :o with your ulti you can often win 1on1 reckoning makes nice dmg to execute an enemy( not on a tank ):D you can change the skill tree to 9/0/21 to have less cds on your summoner skills its your choice :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author enrage1337
enrage1337 Kayle Guide
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