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Kayle Build Guide by bab457

Other Kayle in the Jungle, Late game monster

Other Kayle in the Jungle, Late game monster

Updated on August 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bab457 Build Guide By bab457 3,029 Views 0 Comments
3,029 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bab457 Kayle Build Guide By bab457 Updated on August 19, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Hello I am bab457 and welcome to my first build guide i am a jungle main and have been playing league on and off for 4 1/2 years now Lately i have been playing kayle jungle because of devourer being so strong in the current patch (5.15) i spent some time on this build and i would love to hear some ways i could improve it or if you think that i could use better runes or mastery's so feel free to let me know how i did on this guide :)
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Build (In order)


Item Sequence

Stalker's Blade - Devourer 2450
Berserker's Greaves - Homeguard 1550
Nashor's Tooth 3000
Runaan's Hurricane 2600
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Void Staff 3000
NOTE* This is a Farm Heavy build you will need to farm for most of the early game

Try NOT to gank untill you get this item even if your team yells at you, Dragon is also essential after you get this because it gives 5 stacks for an assist/kill on dragon/baron

Mainly optional my preferred boots on kayle though

Attack speed and AP Great Starting item after Jung item, if i had to say that kayle jungle had a power spike it would be after you get this item, keep in mind your devour should be sated by now if not hurry and get it sated

AoE Goes well with her E, this is when kayle goes farm crazy you should have no problem out farming or even fighting the enemy jungler by now

Essential AP item for kayle, cannot stress how important this item is in her build definitely her core ap item

when it comes to last item it is really preferance i usually go void staff or rylai's depending on if we are ahead or behind
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Skilling Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I max w first on this build because w will give you more sustain in the jungle at early lvl's also if you look at kayle E base ratio it doesnt go very high in damage mainly it drops in CDR
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

These are the Runes i choose because AP and Attack Speed and core items in Kayle's Build and they are pretty much essentials as runes, Now the Armor is simply for the jungle it will help you have a better clear because you will take slightly less damage
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Summoner Spells

Kayle blasts the target enemy,
dealing them magic damage and slowing
them for 3 seconds.

Divine Blessing
Kayle blesses the target allied
champion or herself, healing them
and granting them bonus movement
speed for 3 seconds.

Righteous Fury
PASSIVE: Kayle's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.

ACTIVE: Kayle increases her Attack Range
by 400 for 10 seconds and the passive
bonus magic damage on hit is increased.

In addition, enemies near her target take
bonus magic damage on attack

Kayle bathes the target allied champion or herself
in holy light, rendering them immune to all damage
for a few seconds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bab457
bab457 Kayle Guide
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Kayle in the Jungle, Late game monster

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