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Kayle Build Guide by kaasowner

Kayle 'the invincible' AD carry.

Kayle 'the invincible' AD carry.

Updated on June 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kaasowner Build Guide By kaasowner 1,591 Views 0 Comments
1,591 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kaasowner Kayle Build Guide By kaasowner Updated on June 21, 2012
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Thanks for start reading my Kayle guide. This is my first guide, so if you have any commends please give them in the feedback so I can learn from it.

Why Kayle?
I made this guide about Kayle because she's my favorite champion. I like her because she is so much fun to play.
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Pros / Cons

Like every champions Kayle has her pros and cons.

- Huge amount of damage early, mid and late game.
- Invulnerable, so 2-3 seconds of GOD mode!
- Slows, and magic/armor penetration.

- Squishy early game
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With all these items you'll have a lot of damage and bonus damage.

Attack damage: +10, Dorans blade, +40, Madreds bloodrazer, +55, The black cleaver, +60, Bloodthirster.

Ability power: +25 from Malady.

Bonus damage: 20 from Malady and 4% of max. health from bloodrazer.

Your AD is then: 228 and your AS is 1,45.

If you activate your 'E' you'll hit 60 + 228 + 20 + 72 (4% ca. 1800 health) = 380 damage per basic attack. So you will deal 551 damage per second.

And this is with 15% magic and armor penetration from your passive. 45 Armorpenetration from black cleaver.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kaasowner
kaasowner Kayle Guide
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Kayle 'the invincible' AD carry.

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