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Trundle Build Guide by JigityJack



Updated on August 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JigityJack Build Guide By JigityJack 1,814 Views 0 Comments
1,814 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JigityJack Trundle Build Guide By JigityJack Updated on August 3, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



this is a simple and strait forward guide on jungling with trundle. it will cover the basics and most of what you need to know. it is my first guide, so don't be too harsh on dislikes. please comment on how i did and what should change.
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Jungle Path

start at wolves. use rabid bite when up. go to blue, and kill it. then go to wraiths, wolves, red, wraiths. after this you should be level 4. if not kill wolves again. i skip golems because they aren't worth the damage they deal. upon reaching level 4, you either gank mid or bottom/top witch ever your closest to. if you gank mid, then take wraiths and gank bottom or top. the idea is in between each gank you kill 1 or 2 camps at the least to keep your cs up. when killing dragon, use your ult. it will allow you to lose no or very little health, and it has a very short cool down.
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ganking with trundle is simple. as usual, you ping who you want to focus and make sure your partner(s) know you're there and who to jump on. lead with pillar of filth, and them contaminate. use rabid bite whenever its up. i usually save my ult untill my target is at their turret and you want to dive, or if you get focused and brought to low hp. be careful who you gank. people like morgana are hard to take out because of spell shields and can snare/stun you on sight.
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Runes/Masteries Details

the runes displayed aren't the runes i use. i only have 2 pages, and 1 is for AP. on my AD page i have lifesteal quintessences because i need them to jungle tryndamere. the rest are accurate. you can get by just as easy with attack damage quintessences. the posted masteries are the best in my opinion. you don't have to get the bonus gold for smite if you would rather have executioner ( last pick available in the offensive branch ). its all up to you.
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here are some of the pros on jungling with trundle:


[*] trundle has strong ganking potential if you are successful with pillar of filth

[*] trundle has good jungle sustain

[*] trundle has a good escape mechanism

[*] trundle is underplayed and underestimated so he won't get banned or picked before you

[*] hes a troll!!!
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here are some of the cons on jungling with trundle:


[*] trundle has no AoE damage.

[*] trundle is heavily reliant on blue early game, so he is easily countered and mid
doesn't get blue buff.
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Summoner Spells

smite and flash should get the job done. you must run smite, regaurdless. if you wanted to, you could use ghost, exhaust, ignite, or whatever you please in place of flash. the flsh will help you pick up/ secure kills, and escape. i like it for the ability to go over terrain, as trundle has no other way to hop walls.
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this is a build i strongly recommend for trundle. i suppose any good bruiser build with wriggle's lantern at the start should work. you will build for good damage as well as some decent resistances and a lot of health. with this build, your q will do massive amounts of damage, courtesy of trinity force. at the end, you sell wriggle's lantern for the blood thirster. if you feel its necessary, you can build the blood thirster before phantom dancer. its situational and what you prefer.
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