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LeBlanc Build Guide by Kiry

AP Carry LeBlanc 101: A guide for making their lifebars disappear

AP Carry LeBlanc 101: A guide for making their lifebars disappear

Updated on November 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiry Build Guide By Kiry 2,035 Views 0 Comments
2,035 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiry LeBlanc Build Guide By Kiry Updated on November 4, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc
  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Welcome to my guide on LeBlanc, the Deceiver!
LeBlanc is a champion that was made for solo lanes. She is a champion that fits in the AP Carry category and has a very large amount of powerful tools using her skillset. She is one of the most powerful nukers in League of Legends and one of the funniest. I hope you enjoy!
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My masteries are pretty obvious. I pick standard APC masteries on Offense focusing magic damage, magic resist on Defense and movement speed + mana on Utility, improving Flash as well.
Why don't you pick Mental Force ?
Because my runes already give LeBlanc the early AP Boost she needs for you to outharass your opponent in lane. Her ultimate Mimic has a low cooldown, so even with low AP, her poke is really high and you can make your enemy recall several times before you do, so when you recall you may buy your Sorcerer's Shoes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiry
Kiry LeBlanc Guide
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LeBlanc 101: A guide for making their lifebars disappear

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