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LeBlanc Build Guide by Deathbymid

Leblanc ***asians of assassians :D

Leblanc ***asians of assassians :D

Updated on September 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Deathbymid Build Guide By Deathbymid 2,097 Views 2 Comments
2,097 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Deathbymid LeBlanc Build Guide By Deathbymid Updated on September 8, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


My first build

This is my first build so tell me how you think it is o: i will try to add pictures :)
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Pros / Cons

-Complete lane domination early till level 10~
-Very good ganker, can easily slip to top or bottom without going unnoticed and get a kill or two.
-Is super mobile, can get away from ganks pretty easy
-INSANE damage dealer throughout the whole game

-Extremely Squishy
-Targeted first in team fights
-Runs on low mana, so kind of a blue rune dependancy
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Leblancs abilities

Mirror Image is really good if your opponent is giving you trouble early game, or even in team fights late. Throughout the whole game, the deceptiveness of your Mirror Image can save you more then you know!

Sigil of Silence is your money maker, your cannon. This is where your main damage will come from the whole game, paired with Mimic it is a huge nuke, and can take from 50% to 80% of your opponents life depending on items and how late in the game it is. I've killed people with the Q / R combo numerous times, and it still really never gets old.

Distortion is really nice paired with your Sigil if you are looking to do a decent amount of damage while silencing your opponent. On top of that, Distortion is a really nice tool to save for evading ganks, paired with Mimic, it allows you to go a great distance in a very short amount of time evading death :D

Ethereal Chains is nice to keep your target where you want them to be. It's a pretty easy skill shot, and if you are confident you can Distortion + Chains your target, it should profit in a very nice kill for yourself.

Mimic goes with sigil like white on rice, ask Xaioli he knows ;D;D;D;D. But really, using your Sigil / Mimic combo is going to do insane amounts of damage. You can use it to harass, or go for a gank, either way you are almost guaranteed a kill if you execute her skills correctly with Sigil / Mimic.
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Team Work

You may not be dominated your lane against the harder champs. So with your team and ganking abailities try to help to get gold with assists and kills from other lanes :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Deathbymid
Deathbymid LeBlanc Guide
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Leblanc ***asians of assassians :D

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