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LeBlanc Build Guide by i play807



Updated on December 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author i play807 Build Guide By i play807 2,205 Views 0 Comments
2,205 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author i play807 LeBlanc Build Guide By i play807 Updated on December 9, 2011
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PLZ read this part belowe

I made this build to my self to remember it. I wont be teling too muths abote anything. This build is rekomendet fore experienst players. Plz give it a try before you commet or rate this build. Soory if i speld someting rong, in don speack english.
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Remenber that runes and items makes the cooldown sorter.

First ability is: Sigi of silence, it is a orb what seaks to selected target with in range. It deals 70/110/170/230 +60% of abilitepower. If the target is hit again whit in 3,5s from LeBlanc it deals as a bonusdamage 20/40/60/80/100 damage +30% abilitepower snd silences the target fore 2 second, colldown is 6s.

Second ability is: Distortion, it alowes you to teleport whit in a medium distanse and creting damage to the location were you teleport within a small range, in 3 second you can teleport back to pales were you casted the spell. It deals 85/125/165/205/245 damage +60% abilitypower, colldown is 20/18/16/14/12 second.

Ththird ability is: Ethreal chains, LeBlanc sends illusionary chains to target location if it fits it deals instant 40/65/90/115/140 and +60% abilitepower, slows 25%.If the chain dosent break it stuns fore 1/1,3/1,6/1,9/2,2 seconds and deals aditional damage of 85/125/165/205/245 +60% abilitypower, colldown is 10 soconds.

Forh ability is: Mimic it casts the same ability that you casted breviously dealing 10%/25%/45% exstra damage, colldown is 40/32/24 seconds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author i play807
i play807 LeBlanc Guide
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