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LeBlanc Build Guide by 096Stalker

LeBlanc, The Deceiving Mistress

LeBlanc, The Deceiving Mistress

Updated on October 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker Build Guide By 096Stalker 4,391 Views 0 Comments
4,391 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker LeBlanc Build Guide By 096Stalker Updated on October 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



LeBlanc is a really strong Mid lane champion and if she is fed she can become Unstoppable and people will become scared of her and regret going into team fights. She is a difficult champion to learn, but if you are determined to learn her you can become a really good player and people will become scared of your LeBlanc. LeBlanc isn't the best in team fights, although if you are quick enough you can use your W into the team fight then activate your W again to return to your original position. The best was to get a Player to 0 health is to start with your E if you get your E on them, get your Q on them before the E snares them. When the snare activated he/she will be silenced as well as being snared (so it is almost like a stun). Then use your Ultimate which would have copied your Q then W into them to kill them off. LeBlanc is alot of fun to play and if played correctly you cannot die and you could win up to every game.

Anyway guys this is my build guide to how to build AP LeBlanc, and how to get your enemies to 0 health in 4 abilities. Check back later for any more guides that I will be posting in the future.
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Over Wall Escapes

I use these over wall escapes to get out of the enemy team or to get into a team fight then back out again. They are also used to quickly get away from the enemy if you are getting chased.
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LeBlanc Champion Spotlight

This is the LeBlanc Champion Spotlight from Riot Games Inc.
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LeBlanc's Lore

Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons that honeycomb the earth beneath its dark, meandering streets lies the real underbelly of this sprawling metropolis, a haven for all manner of malevolence. Amongst the cults, covens, and secret societies that call this labyrinth their home, LeBlanc, the Deceiver, presides over the Black Rose, a remnant from a lost, yet similarly unscrupulous time in Noxian history. Ruthless and seemingly ageless, LeBlanc and her ilk were a mainstay in Noxian political affairs during the era before the militarization of the Noxian government. In those days, this guild of powerful magicians met in secret to further their hidden agenda, and to hone a craft more subtle than that preferred by those currently in power.

While their exact motives have always remained mysterious, it was widely believed that the Black Rose was the true power behind the throne while the aristocracy still reigned in Noxus. When raw martial prowess became the ultimate determination of whose will held sway in the Empire, the Black Rose seemed to vanish overnight. Many believed that perhaps their time had simply passed, and that its members had put aside their quests for social and political dominance. When LeBlanc reemerged at the gates of the Institute of War, however, it became clear that these masters of shadow and flame had simply been biding their time, waiting for a new global authority to emerge: the League of Legends.

"The world is very different for those who cannot see beyond what is placed before their very eyes."
―LeBlanc, the Deceiver
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker
096Stalker LeBlanc Guide
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LeBlanc, The Deceiving Mistress

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