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LeBlanc Build Guide by shadowpath

LeBlanc the mistress of doom

LeBlanc the mistress of doom

Updated on July 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowpath Build Guide By shadowpath 2,848 Views 0 Comments
2,848 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowpath LeBlanc Build Guide By shadowpath Updated on July 2, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Chapter 1

Hello LoL players, this is my build for LeBlanc, the best champion ever made in the whole game :))

The moment i got her i only did amazing scores like 10/0; 17/2; 20/1 and so on... (never under 1:1 ratio).
So, let me explain to you how to learn using LeBlanc in 10 easy steps:

1.Choose middle lane or a solo lane anyway (a bit harder vs 2).

2.Do no engage until you are about level 4-5 when you have your spells, or level 6-7 if you are vs. 2.

3.When you are out of manna you are useless, so conserve it for the fight, don't use abilities on mobs only at higher levels.

4.Engage with Sigil of Silence then use Mimic: Sigil of Silence and after that in the next second Distorsion on them for alot of damage, if they don't die use chains and spank again with Sigil + Distorsion.

5.You can always use Distorsion + Mimic: Distorsion for a looong flash and escape ambushes.

6.You can tower dive if you got someone there aswell or some minions to get the starting damage, you passive will take care of the damage after the kill.

7.Use the bushes to ambush them, Sigil then Chains then Distorsion on them.

8.Use summoner spells to your advantage, always ignite high health targets like when fighting tanks or just damagers with alot of lifesteal or armor. Ghost is there for running into the fight or away from a fight, or to help you tower-dive more efficiently.

9.Try to get the Golem buff all the time for manna, don't buy manna items, you don't need them!

10.Remember to have fun and kick *** :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowpath
shadowpath LeBlanc Guide
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