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Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
Seals: Greater Seal of Replenishment. Mana regeneration. Great for staying in mid longer. Works well wit health potions. Can be substituted for Greater Seal of Fortitude.
Glyphs: Greater Glyph of Focus. Cool down Reduction. Great for getting you skills off quicker. See skill sequence for more info. You can also substitute this for AP per level runes for her lack of late game skills.
Quintessences: Greater Quintessence of Potency. Ability Power. Great for early game to demolish your opponents.
First you get an amplifying tome and a health pot. Then build up to a Mejai's Soulstealer. This will be great for tons of ap if you are doing well. Then work towards Sorcerer's Shoes. After, get Morrelo's Evil Tome for cooldown reduction. This will make your cd about 40% with full stacks of mejai's! Then rush a rabadon deathcap ASAP. Next, get a Ryolai's crystal scepter for health and to slow with your abilities. Great for catching up to your opponents. after work towards some spell vamp with hextech revolver built in to a will of the ancients. From now on you are good to go.
Your main skill sequence in the middle of the game - people still in there lanes - will be Q,R,W,E. or if your opponent is farther away you can do W,Q,R,E.
For escapes i usually do W,R to get out of the way and if needed, E. You can also do E,W,R. Once they are snared dash away wit W and R.
For escapes i usually do W,R to get out of the way and if needed, E. You can also do E,W,R. Once they are snared dash away wit W and R.
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