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LeBlanc Build Guide by IhEartAweE

LeBlanc what do you SAy??

LeBlanc what do you SAy??

Updated on August 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IhEartAweE Build Guide By IhEartAweE 2,016 Views 0 Comments
2,016 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author IhEartAweE LeBlanc Build Guide By IhEartAweE Updated on August 8, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



hello there TT..

Here is a guide to a what we called "One Hero Combo Leads To PAin'' that named LeBLanc...

I Hope U Learn SOmethinG FroM This..

Lets Start..

LeBlanc is an Ap Assasin that has the highest DPS in LOL (that's why im scared of her when she is in my lane)

She is one of my favorite character in LOL...
because i can kill somebody with a SPlit Second!!!!

Now for our next trick, Let's Make tHeir LifEbAr DISSAPEAR!!!

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Pros / Cons

* Great skill damage if used the combo correctly
* Easy to learn
* the highest dps in LOL
* A Perfect Ganker
* Lot's of Dominance in early game

* Squishy
* Item Dependant
* Very focused on team fights
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Mirror image - a good passive; it can get you in a trouble anytime if your health drops in 40%

Sigil of Silence - this is your fire ball as in PAIN. This ability is casted before your ulti (Q/R combo), with this combo you can deal a damage equal to 50% to 80% of your target life (THATS HUGE!!)

Distortion - this can cause a lot of damage too and can be an escape mechanism....(thats fun!!)

Ethereal Chains - your holding ability, great starter so you can combo enemies easily!!

Mimic - This is your freakin ulti; with this ability you can use again your last casted spell but with greater damage; So Use it WISELY!!
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Summoner Spells

Flash - a situational spell, can be used to chase enemies or escape them!!

Ignite - use it when you cant chase enemies (ex. your enemy is already near their tower)
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Sorcerer's Shoes: great shoes for early game because of its magic penetration.

Rabadon's Deathcap: This is the greatest item for casters..

Void Staff: I really like this item since it's magic penetration..

Athene's Unholy grail: A good quality item because of its effect..

Deathfire Gasp: A nice item and add another ability(cast fireball that deals a great damage)

Your text to link here...
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How to Combo

Q-R-W-E or E-Q-R-W

Here Watch this
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Hope U Like IT

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League of Legends Build Guide Author IhEartAweE
IhEartAweE LeBlanc Guide
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LeBlanc what do you SAy??

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