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Lee Sin Build Guide by AIBE

Lee Sin the forest Gump

Lee Sin the forest Gump

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AIBE Build Guide By AIBE 5,391 Views 4 Comments
5,391 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AIBE Lee Sin Build Guide By AIBE Updated on March 12, 2012
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His story =)

As a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris, Lee Sin became frustrated with instruction paced for the other students. He spent his free time researching the nuances of summoning in hopes of graduating sooner. He made amazing advances in his arcane studies, surpassing all other students. By all indications, he would have become one of the League's greatest summoners were it not for one terrible mistake. Too impatient, he attempted to test his ability by summoning a beast from the Plague Jungles. What he summoned instead was a young boy, but not in one piece. He barely had time to look the boy in what was once his face before the jumbled human mass fell lifeless to the floor. A League investigation later revealed that the boy's entire village was obliterated by feedback from the ritual.

Lee Sin's talents were so promising that the League was willing to overlook the incident, but he could never forgive himself. He left the Institute and journeyed to the Shojin Monastery for eternal repentance, swearing never to practice magic again. Years later, hoping to atone for his crime with martyrdom, he set himself ablaze as a protest of the Noxian occupation of Ionia. He remained alive in this state, enduring searing agony for weeks. His actions paved the way for a League match wherein Ionia prevailed, but by the time he was doused, his eyes had been burned completely from their sockets. Hailed as a savior, he was reborn, and his will to act invigorated. He joined the League of Legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monk's only possessions.

''The actions of one may sunder the world, buAs a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris, Lee Sin became frustrated with instruction paced for the other students. He spent his free time researching the nuances of summoning in hopes of graduating sooner. He made amazing advances in his arcane studies, surpassing all other students. By all indications, he would have become one of the League's greatest summoners were it not for one terrible mistake. Too impatient, he attempted to test his ability by summoning a beast from the Plague Jungles. What he summoned instead was a young boy, but not in one piece. He barely had time to look the boy in what was once his face before the jumbled human mass fell lifeless to the floor. A League investigation later revealed that the boy's entire village was obliterated by feedback from the ritual.

Lee Sin's talents were so promising that the League was willing to overlook the incident, but he could never forgive himself. He left the Institute and journeyed to the Shojin Monastery for eternal repentance, swearing never to practice magic again. Years later, hoping to atone for his crime with martyrdom, he set himself ablaze as a protest of the Noxian occupation of Ionia. He remained alive in this state, enduring searing agony for weeks. His actions paved the way for a League match wherein Ionia prevailed, but by the time he was doused, his eyes had been burned completely from their sockets. Hailed as a savior, he was reborn, and his will to act invigorated. He joined the League of Legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monk's only possessions.

''The actions of one may sunder the world, but the efforts of many may rebuild it.'' - Lee Sin
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If you have any questions or things you wanna talk about or ask me, go on and find the Discussion section and leave a comment, as I don't really use mobafire anymore, so I'll most likely respond faster to the blog than here.
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Pros / Cons

-Good Damage all game
-nice mix of burst and auto-attack damage
-good ganker --- Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike + Tempest / Cripple
- Dragon's Rage is great in teamfights. Interrupts everyone on the opposing team if done correctly.
-He is Lee Sin, The Blind Monk.

-A bit squishy before your warmogs
-if you cant hit your Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, it's a lot harder to gank and you will fail most of the time.
-You need good positioning to play him well. (for his ult, cripple, etc etc.)
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- This is what makes you the great jungler you are. Without this, you cannot jungle. Make sure to utilize it, so dont spam all your skills at the same time, since it doesnt stack. Use an ability, wait for 2 autoattacks, then use the follow-up ability. This is absolutely key to jungling with Lee sin.

- I cannot describe how great this skill is. It is amazing for ganking, chasing, and, well, it's your main source of damage. the follow-up kick is great for destroying people, as it does 10% of their missing health. Combined with your other skills, you are a complete nightmare.

- This is great for sustain and the lifesteal is great. Don't understimate it. It is a decent shield mid game and the lifesteal is like a free scepter every few seconds. This, combined with your wriggles will give you nice sustain and recovery in jungle or in lane.

- This is a great tool, and instead of damage, it is more of a utility. Sure, the damage is nice, but what really makes it unique is the aoe slow and reveal. if you know there's a sneaky twitch around, or if that vayne tries to escape with low health with her stealth, just tempest, and you can reveal + slow them.

- This ult is a great damage dealer and also good utility. Aiming this ult is very important in teamfights, as a bad ult can only kick (and maybe kill) one person, but a good ult can knock the enemy straight into his or her team, disrupting everyone on their team and giving yours a very nice advantage. It has a decent cooldown, so dont be afraid to use it to do a huge burst to go for a kill.
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Core Items

You must think I'm high or something for getting Vamp. Scepter first, but believe me, I've played Jungle Lee sin lots of times, and it works. After you finish the first path (Read the next section on jungle routes), you should have just enough for cloth armor and a pot. Finish it with a wriggles latern. It's a great jungling item, and don't forget to ward.

- Your core jungling item. It is a must have early / mid game. The passive makes you amazing at clearing camps and the early damage, armor and lifesteal benefits you greatly. However, sell it later in the game for a bloodthirster for extra damage and lifesteal.

- These boots are probably the best boots for Lee Sin, but arguably, it can be the best boots for anyone. The build lacks Mres early on, so it is very useful. Also, the 35 tenacity is just wayyyy to good to ignore.

- This is great on anyone. ANYONE. but for Lee Sin, it is a core item because all the stats benefit him greatly and the slow and 150% damage proc is amazing. This gives him Move Speed for chasing, AD, attack speed, and crit chance for damage, hp for sustain, and the passives for his bursty abilities. Overall, its a great item. Get it.

- This item is great. It lets you be tanky, but gives you damage at the same time. I've heard complaints that its even "OP". Ever though you dont have a lot of HP after a phage, it is a very nice item to get. The armor is great and the crit chance is good with the crit you get from trinity later on. People always think "Oh if I dont have like 3k health its not worth it." But that isnt true. With around 2k health at this point, you gain about an additional 40 damage. thats like a bf sword that gives you armor and crit chance. Also, as the game progresses and you get more items, you will end up with around 3.5k health, and thats around 70 bonus damage.

- This is what makes you very tanky and gives you a great atma's boost. I get it regardless of what the enemy team comp is, because health always helps. At this point, you should get kills and assists easily, allowing you to stack the warmogs' passive quickly. If you think that you are too squishy, and the early Atma's Impaler won't help, you can always get this item first to become very tanky earlier.
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Situational Items


- Decent item early on, however, you are not a DPS/AS carry, Mercs are better. The attack speed is not necessary for Lee, as he already has his passive.

- Decent item as well, although, Lee sin doesnt need it that much CDR. Mercury's Treads are still better.

- These are the only boots I might suggest sometimes instead of Mercs. Unless they have no CC and are all physical, then I do not suggest this. You have lots of armor early on with this build already, and then tenacity helps even if they are all physical. It is very rare that you will see a full team with only physical damage. But I guess it happens time to time.
EX: Tryndamere, Ashe, Caitlyn, Xin Zhao, etc

- I guess it has it's uses as all the other items, but I don't see this as a "must have" or a "good situational item" for Lee Sin, as he can benefit from other boots a lot more.
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Lee Sin, and what he does.

Well, I have to say, due to the recent Lee Sin nerfs, he's not as OP anymore, (but he's still super top-tier), and his early game has been toned down a bit. However, you are not weak.

Really, early game, you just want to jungle peacefully. Acquire or give out buffs as needed, and cover or gank lanes. Once you get Wriggle's Lantern, Mercury's Treads, and maybe a Phage, you will start to dominate harder and harder.

I think, and perhaps it's just how I play him, Lee Sin is very strong all game.
His early game ganks are very scary, he's crazily mobile, and his mid - late game damage is stil very dangerous. I think that the most important thing about playing Lee is having a strong start. You don't want to get shut down, or you will be a lot less useful as you should be.

How do I do this?

Well, first of all, it's very helpful to have contact with your teammates, either through Skype, vent, or whatever else. If you can communicate with your team, you will have a lot easier time doing your job. It's a lot easier to land Sonic wave and position yourself for a good Dragon's Rage if your teammates actually help and time things properly. Try to also gank the lanes that need the most help, or maybe a lane that is over-extending and pushing too hard, than ganking a lane that your team already dominates.

It's hard to keep your eyes on every part of your map, so that's why I enourage you to play with people you have communication with.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't carry solo queue like a boss, I'm just offering some help to newer players.

Remember this: Sneaking around and snatching up kills is not what you do. It helps, but that's not the point of Lee Sin. You need to HELP and SUPPORT your team, and that means covering a lane, or feeding lots of kills to your carry, and not yourself.

Second of all, you need to keep a close eye on your jungle. In early levels, strong counter junglers like Shaco and Nunu can really mess you up, especially by things such as taking the golems you need to complete your first route, or ganking you as you take a buff, taking both the buff and ambushing you, either forcing you to recall or be killed.

If you have a good team composition, in this case, a support with Clairvoyance, it can help you a lot. The support can effectively use Clairvoyance to spot the enemy jungler so you and your team can spot ganks, jungle invasions, or suprise jungle ambushes.

Refer to "Annoying junglers who may be a threat" for more info :P
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OKAY, so, yes. Dorans lee is very strong, especially early on in the game. With these runes, you have around... I think 90 AD at level 2, so when you gank either mid or bot, you will completely dominate. Wriggles is still pretty key on lee, and as you can see, I took an early trinity and then atmas. If there's just too much magic damage, considering rushing a Negatron Cloak somewhere between Wriggles and trinty.

Here's how the route goes:
-Wraiths (save smite) - You should not get a leash and have creeps running everywhere. Hit it and let your teammate do some damage. As long as you get the last hit, you get the exp, so dont worry.

-Red (Now this time get a proper leash)

-Go gank! - Yes, you dont have tempest/cripple, but that's okay, because with 90 AD and red buff, as long as you can land your Q and have your teammates follow up, there should be a kill for sure.

- Golems

- clear the rest - Either take blue or give your team an early blue.

Remember, this build focuses on lots of ganking and getting fed off kills, so be sure to gank instead of just trying to farm in the jungle, as he is no longer one of the fastest junglers.


A bunch of people said that they couldnt make it past golems, and well, it is kinda hard if you dont have the runes, but hey, heres a video anyways. (i made it in 10 minutes, dont blame me for bad quality :I)


Okay okay by request I have changed this part. I tried to new route and it works, so here ya go.

Start at wolves. Tempest, and remember to use your passive. Don't use cripple until you've dealt the 2 hits from your passive. Then use cripple. Save smite. Go to the wraiths. Smite the big wraith. You should level up after you kill it. Get safeguard immediately and cast it on yourself. Again, utilize your passive and finish the wraiths. Go to the double golumns. Because of the new route, you will not have smite up for these. But it's okay, you're lee sin and you should finish them with very low health. Remember to cast safeguard upon urself or you will die. then recall. You should be level 3 by now. If you think that you will be underlevel, you wont. When you go back, if you did it correctly, you should be level 3 while the other lanes are only level 2. After going back to the jungle, go to wolves again, save smite. Then, if there is a teammate who needs blue, ex: Swain, Lux, Brand, etc., get it for them. If not, you can get it for yourself. Proceed to get red and go gank! :)

This does not mean that you can't gank before this, but that is something I cannot teach you. But theoretically, you can go and start ganking by level 3. I just like to get the buffs first; it's personally opinion I suppose.


-Wraiths(if you dont gank)
-Golumns (if you don't gank)

cover and gank and **** accordingly.
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Sonic wave onto that squishy at the back. Tempest and cripple, and just kill him/her. I play Lee Sin as a offtank anti-carry kind of character, where I go and take down the carry, then head back to finish off the fight. If people are bunching up together, and you feel like you need to disable them for your team, walk to an angle where you can roundhouse kick them in a straight line and knock up most, if not all of the enemy champions.

Shield a teammate if they are trying to run away. Tempest and cripple to slow nearby enemies. If saving your carry means dying yourself, then by all means, go ahead. Remember, you are not the carry. You are the offtank.

If you see someone with a channelled ult, such as MF's Bullet Time or Kat's Death Lotus, kick them to disable them and cancel the ult so your team does not take more damage than they want to.

Here's a simple trick when you're fighting someone.

First, land Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, then, use Tempest / Cripple and the follow up slow to autoattack. Casting Safeguard / Iron Will is optional. (for either lifesteal or extra attack speed procs). Kick them, (dealing lots of damage), and if you do this fast enough, you should be able to follow up with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, dealing lots of bonus damage from their missing health.
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