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Fiora Build Guide by isaacwong12

Legendary- quadra kill Fiora

Legendary- quadra kill Fiora

Updated on March 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author isaacwong12 Build Guide By isaacwong12 2,855 Views 0 Comments
2,855 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author isaacwong12 Fiora Build Guide By isaacwong12 Updated on March 17, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This a epic damage builda nd can get you quadra kills in a team fight without dying. The main purpose is to kill you enemy and chase without getting out of lane easily ealy game with lifesteal.
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The dorans blade starts you off with health, damage and lifesteal which can get you kkiills easily. The bloodthirster, wehn maxed with give you high survivability and get kills. phantom dancer gives you speed for escaping, chasing and attack speed. The infinty passive gives you even more damage and crit. The black cleaver will help you against tanky/dps champs.
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Summoner Spells

Fiora has no spells to chase enemies down with like Tryndamere has mocking shout. Exhaust is a good escape and catching tool. Ignite will give you an advantage when wanting to kill a low- health champ without chasing. It ensures teh kill if you cant reach them.
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Thank you for reading my guide and i hope you get some penta- kills and rate my guide.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author isaacwong12
isaacwong12 Fiora Guide
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Legendary- quadra kill Fiora

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