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Leona Build Guide by dattyo

Leona Alt+tab guide

Leona Alt+tab guide

Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dattyo Build Guide By dattyo 2,822 Views 0 Comments
2,822 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dattyo Leona Build Guide By dattyo Updated on July 16, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Leona
  • LoL Champion: Leona


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Build 1: Its the core items that i feel she needs, for here, you can go many ways, Pure tank, or AP tank/ ap offtank.

Build 2: This is an AP offtank
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Pros / Cons

Great Fight Initator!
have 2 stun and 1 imobelizer + AoE slow
can "teleport" to a champ with Zenith Blade
Great magic and armor res becouse of here Eclipse spell

she cant use here passive here self
some what squishy, but that is why i have teleport
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Guide Verson 1.0

Hey, my name is Vidar, and this is my First guide to any Champ.

My gameing experience started inn 2006 with Warcraft 3 DotA, and i have played League of legends for about 5 mounts now, and its just awesome.
I think i can contribiute with this guilde to anyone how is not sure how to play leona.

This is how I play leona, not how she is played, i have found that i like to play here as an AP tank, with the main focus on the tank part.
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For my runes i have chosen

[*] Greater Mark of Insight : All here spells are magic, i use this one to have a little more damage output

[*] Greater Seal of Resilience : The armor rune ? why not the dodge? well, this is mainly up to you what you feel is the best, but i lile the Armor becouse the Dodge is a random factor, and the Armor is constant.

[*] Greater Glyph of Warding : Magic resistance as always nice when your a tank.

[*] Greater Quintessence of Fortitude : The extra hp is realy nice early game.
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The pure Tank masteries that i use is 0/21/9 This is kinda the standard tank masteries

But if you want a little more Damage output on Leona you could go with a 9/21/0, to get the Magic spell penetration.
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I ussualy start of with aand a
Then i save up to like 800 gold, and port home and get theand
NOTE: if you die, i would recoment you to buy the Philosopher's Stone first befor the boots, it will help you so much with spamming spells, and you could harras more, you need the mana reg.

Then i build
and then i upgrade the boots to someThe tenecity + the magic res is a MUST have.

Then i finish up my core build with a
These are the must have items, that u need to utilize the potential in leona.

But usualy i just buy aAfter the aegis.

NOTE: Rylai's Crystal Scepter VS Frozen Mallet : i went for Rylai's beouce of she uses spells, that slows aswell, insted of that she need to hit the target, it aswell gives here som AP witch is always nice becouse is scale with all here spells.

After this is just go normal tank items, Meaby upgrate the Heart of gold to the Randuin's Omen, or get Thornmail.

Randuin's omen is good becouse when you initate a fight with Zenith Blade, you will problably be in the middle of the enemy team, and then use randuin's omen, and then most of the enemy team will have the debuff on them.

Thornmail i recommend if you meet a hard AD team.

You can aswell go Frozen heart, have not tryed it, but i guess the 20% Cooldown reduction and 99 armor + Aura and mana is a great item.

And u can upgrade the Philosopher's Stone to Shurelya's Reverie witch give's you some loads of wanted cooldown reduction.

for the Magic res i would like to have Force of Nature

Then you can wrap it all up with a Rabadons. to get some damage output
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dattyo
dattyo Leona Guide
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Leona Alt+tab guide

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