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Leona Build Guide by NakedForever



Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NakedForever Build Guide By NakedForever 1,925 Views 0 Comments
1,925 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NakedForever Leona Build Guide By NakedForever Updated on July 16, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Leona
  • LoL Champion: Leona
  • LoL Champion: Leona


LoL Summoner Spell: Fortify


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



My Leona build for those of you reading Leona is the newest champ to LoL and she is one of the most thought out champs in a long time. Not to Op and not so underpowered she was stupid (Ex. Yorick). She combines Tanking with CC much like Amumu but with a little more in your face action. I have played against and as Leona may times and all I can say is most of them are stupid. How you build Leona is how you win fights.
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Pros and Cons

Can get kills if you Ks then (;
two stuns
jump with zenith blade

Miss Zenith and your Done
Long cool downs
Both her stuns are very short
Fairly Hard to play but easy to get used to.
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For runes I go with my basics I have for my AP champs and my tanks. Armor seals, Magic resist glyhs, and magic pen marks. Quints I personaly take AP because thats what I have on me, but I recomend flat health for her.
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This is where I see a lot of Leona players go wrong. They rush a Stone for the +5 gold and think they are pro. I say no. I start with the Dorans sheild and stay alive then ASAP rush the Giants belt. This 400 Hp add on can get you so many kills depending on your lane you can rush into a 2v2 in your lane and win because of the Giants belt. Feeding your lane mate or feeding you early makes up for the 5+ gold you get from the stone and trust me I have used the stone build and will never go back. This giants belt will keep you alive, help you turn a team fight because early game you are already a tanky hero. For the rest of your build is always up to the other team. Is is a mainly caster team or is it all Xins and Tryns? This makes tanking one of the hardest things to do. People can go AP on a champ that is uauly AD and throw you off so you have to be item aware on what people are building. Any build that has a full team of Tryn, Xin, Yi, ex, ex, ex will be thornmail killed so rush this item and a ton of Armor and Health items such as a sunfire cape. On that note Sunfire capes are amazing for Leona the HP and tanky item is mixed in with the passive where you will be ruing into most team fights and be right in the action.will get you right in the action and you will get a bit of damage put on enemy champs who are in there. If you have that full caster team go all Magic resist and kinda HP tanky if you cant decide what they are or there is so much balance go for something HP and something with both magic resist and armor. As a tank know when your build is far enough along where you can tank a lot of shots where you main carry wont get killed or will get 3 or 4 kills before he is taken down.
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Skill Sequence

Start out with your Your text to link here... this will give the stun and help your xin or someone strong to get the quick kill for FB and if you happen to get FB there is half your Giants belt right there.2nd this will help you get of the stun but not really good for FB or lvl 1 killing. I saw a Leona get this first and almost started crying I was laughing so hard.Is 3rd. and this is the maxing order also. Maxat 6 11 16 as usual and have fun getting people pissed at the stun.
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Summoner Spells

I always Takefor the safe turrets and you are the tank so you can get the mastery for it and get the splash damage. 2nd I take flash I mean, its flash you can flash away or flash for the stun your call but it helps on any champ. You could take ghost if you wanted but I like flash for going over walls and such.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NakedForever
NakedForever Leona Guide
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