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Leona Build Guide by Elver

Leona makes a difference.

Leona makes a difference.

Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Elver Build Guide By Elver 1,976 Views 0 Comments
1,976 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Elver Leona Build Guide By Elver Updated on July 16, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Intro and information about items

I know that someone will tell that it's useless build. I've tried about 20 games with my build and almost it makes the difference in the battle. Of course it's a tank, so You're dmg on the beginning is quite low, but defence abilities slightly reduce this problem.

Let me tell something about items choose.

Doran shield is a good item for beginning. I prefer it because of bonus 120 hp,8 hp regen and some points def.

Boots of swiftness give opportunity to be a better harraser and at least easier escape ;>

Aegis of the legion- the main tanky item. Gives pretty good magic and normal defence,small bonus to dmg for You and nearby teammates and small portion of health for You.

Atma impaler- Gives nice boost to Your total dmg,(some critical chance and a lot of defence too)especially when You buy more items increasing Your health.

Trinity Force- Well... This item gives You a lot of bonuses that makes You a serious problem for all ppl, because You can solo almost everyone.You have a lot of defence so with this You're auto attacks will do more dmg before using any of Your skills. What is more, You have chance to slow and have quite good speed :D

Tornmail and force of nature is situational and usefull if You play against ap and ad champs. You can also buy another defence items like banshee veil or randuin's omen. It only depends on Your preferation.
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You are tank, so You need Health and magic resist at first. Secondly mana regen is usefull everytime. and some extra penetration from marks might be good to make some more dmg.
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Pros / Cons

Pros:-Great harras
-2 stuns and something like snare
-a lot of defence
-can help a lot teammates
-usefull passive which gives Your allies bonus dmg

Cons:-low dmg in early game
-making ap items is a waste of money
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Great tank,great harraser... 2 STUNS AND SNARE. It makes a difference... Enjoy ;D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Elver
Elver Leona Guide
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Leona makes a difference.

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