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Leona Build Guide by ParkcomboGG

Leona The Radiant Dawn The First Female Tank, Finally (:

Leona The Radiant Dawn The First Female Tank, Finally (:

Updated on August 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ParkcomboGG Build Guide By ParkcomboGG 2,920 Views 0 Comments
2,920 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ParkcomboGG Leona Build Guide By ParkcomboGG Updated on August 1, 2011
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Hi There ! :D , this is Leoan Build and Guide it is the first Lady tank
pretty cool huh ? I thought it was a tanky mage like sion but it turns out to be full tank
I bought Leona straight away it came out its really fun too play. she does a lot of damage and tanky at the same time I recommand you too buy her if you like using damage tank
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Greater Mark Of Insight x 9

Greater Glyph Of Warding x9

Greater Seal Of Fortitude x9

Greater Quintences of Resilence x3
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For Leona Masteries I go
Offense : 9
Defense : 21
Utility : 0

Because I go kind of damage with her too
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1.Get Regrowth pendant and a health pot to stay longer in lane

2.then for philosphers stone with regrowth pendant

3.Get mercury treds

4.Aegis of the Legion

5.Get phage for some slowing

6.Sunfire cape for some tankyness and health

7.Turn Phage into Frozen Mallet

8.Force of nature for some speed and magic resists

9.Finish it off with Philospheres stone in to Shurelya's Reverie
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Skill Sequence

Shield Of Day Break : is a skill that makes your next melee attack does additional damage and stuns the target
Raise it at level 1/4/7/9/12

Eclipse : is a skill that shields yourself and gives you magic resists and armour and after a few seconds it blows up and does damage around the enemy and if the enemy is hit this way the shield duration is doubled
Raise it at level 3/5/8/10/13

Zenith Blade : is a skill shot that goes through enemies and damaging them that when throught it. The last "champion" (not minions) that gets hit Leona blinks to that champion good for initiating fights
Raise at level 2/14/15/17/18

Solar Flare (Ultimate): this is a skill shot that makes a circle and in a short delay (approximately 1.5 second) it blows up with a strong sun light and damages them the enemies that are in the middle it stuns them but the enemies are in the edge will get slowed good in team fights (:
Raise at level 6/11/16
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Summoner Spells

For Leona summoner spells

Flash : is a good choice since she is really slow not that slow but she is slow flash will be good with initiating or chasing & running

Ignite : since she can't chase that well because all the chasing skills of hers are skill shot, I get ignite in case the enemy doesn't die

Ghost : is another choice instead of flash or ignite

Teleport : is another choice instead of ignite or flash
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Team Work

Leona is a very good CC (Crowd Control) Character she has 2 stuns which can cancel a lot of skills (EG: Katarina's Ultimate, Nunu's Ultimate, The Supressers (Warwick,Urgot,Malzahar) and some others)
So use skills in the right time and save friends or team mates
In team fight your the one who should be initiating your E will do the work for ya ;D
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Now Get On LoL And Play Leona !

Now if you follow all this instructions you will be ok in Ranked games & Normal games
Well if it doesnt work ... I don't know but Don't Worry ! my friend is a noob his called Minho jokes I meant David
I haven't finished this build and guide yet so wait a little bit more then it should be done
Sorry -_-;
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ParkcomboGG
ParkcomboGG Leona Guide
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Leona The Radiant Dawn The First Female Tank, Finally (:

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