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Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
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This is the build i have been putting together ever since Leona came out. She is likely the best tank on the game(imo).
So if you have looking for build for Leona that works, and is even more than tank; you have come to the right place.
Leona The Tank Carry
The items I have used in this are the best set i have used so far.
Everything you see is there for a reason. If you have any comments about the items I have chosen to put in this build; just let me know and I'll tell you why you are wrong.
The items you see above are amazing, Don't question until you actually tried them.
Everything you see is there for a reason. If you have any comments about the items I have chosen to put in this build; just let me know and I'll tell you why you are wrong.
The items you see above are amazing, Don't question until you actually tried them.
It really is player preference. I tend to get herandup faster because they have a higher damage output.
Although Maxingandis amazing with the Zenith blade to Sheild of Daybreak combo.
Really anything you would like to do would work great on Leona. She can be played however you wish to play her. Everything I have here is the way I do it, and is a way that works.
Although Maxingandis amazing with the Zenith blade to Sheild of Daybreak combo.
Really anything you would like to do would work great on Leona. She can be played however you wish to play her. Everything I have here is the way I do it, and is a way that works.
Once again these are simply player preference I'm just here to tell you why my way works.
This is helpful for many reasons. Slowing down enemies to prevent escape. Slowing down enemies to help teammates( or you) to get away. You technically are a tank so these benefits are highly needed.
Flash is very, very helpful. It can help getting away or cleaning up kills. With the combo of Flash intothen ait is likely you will never have anyone get away from you.
This is helpful for many reasons. Slowing down enemies to prevent escape. Slowing down enemies to help teammates( or you) to get away. You technically are a tank so these benefits are highly needed.
Flash is very, very helpful. It can help getting away or cleaning up kills. With the combo of Flash intothen ait is likely you will never have anyone get away from you.
Look through all that I have said through out this build. I made this build as a reference to those so wish to play a great Leona. I tried to put as much information as you need to know, and not a bunch of unnecessary information no one will ever read. As i said before please rate and comment your opinions, concerns, praises, suggests, or anything else you feel i should know.
Please read and tryout before you rate and comment.
If there is anything you feel that I have left out or you would like me to add in; feel free to comment suggestions.
Please read and tryout before you rate and comment.
If there is anything you feel that I have left out or you would like me to add in; feel free to comment suggestions.
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