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Leona Build Guide by TaZTeD

Leona - Who stole the sun?!?

Leona - Who stole the sun?!?

Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TaZTeD Build Guide By TaZTeD 2,769 Views 0 Comments
2,769 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TaZTeD Leona Build Guide By TaZTeD Updated on July 16, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hai guys.
This is my first build, I hope you'll like it.

First at all, this is a pure tank build no AP or AD or CDR.
If you follow this build exactly lategame can nobody bring you down.
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Pros / Cons

-Late game she tanks Likaboss!
-Earlygame she can bring the enemy down till 50% op their HP with a good combo.
-Easy Harassing early game.
-Just a pro tank!

-Her farming early game is really bad.
-Late game her damage isnt that big.
-Shes only good at tanking
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Summoner Spells

I chose Ghost - Exhaust.
Because ghost is good for chasing and escaping in teamfights.
Exhaust is very usefull for a tankkiller like Vayne Xin Zhao or Master Yi.
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All these items are pure tank items.
Its an expensive build, but if its completed nobody can bring you down, i Garen-tee.
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Farming early game is very hard with leona.
All her spells are mana drainging, so i recommend to save your spells for an champion :)
Just last hit, Leona needs an farm, if her farm is ****ed up, she cant do anything lategame!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TaZTeD
TaZTeD Leona Guide
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Leona - Who stole the sun?!?

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